paperbacks_and_planners's reviews
1177 reviews

A Study in Charlotte by Brittany Cavallaro

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This was a cute reimagining of Sherlock Holmes. But I don't have any strong feelings or attachment.

This follows Jamie Watson who left the UK and attends a boarding school in Connecticut on a rugby scholarship. When a classmate of his dies in a Sherlock Holmes spoofed murder, Jamie and the famous detectives descendent Charlotte, get wrapped in the investigation.

This story is told from Jamie's perspective, mirroring the original Sherlock books (which were also told from Watson's POV).
This was good book and the mystery was well done. But I didn't feel any strong connection to the characters or story. I haven't thought about this again since finishing it.

Content Warnings: Drug abuse, murder, sexual assault

What I Liked
1. I loved the parallels between this retelling and the original stories. Charolette has inherited Sherlock's addictive habits, the Watson family has an instruction manual on how to handle the Holmes', the Moriarty's are still the archenemies. Overall it was just a really well done retelling.
2. The characters were well rounded and dynamic. They had flaws but were still likable and relatable.
3. This felt like a classic whodunit mystery - a la Sherlock Holmes. And overall it was well done.

What I Didn't Like
1. I don't know what this story was missing but I just don't feel any strong feelings about this story. The mystery was fine, the characters were fine, but I didn't LOVE any of it. I wasn't shipping the romance like everyone else was, and I just didn't connect to either main character. I haven't thought about this book at all since finishing it.

Overall, I enjoyed this book while I was listening to it, but don't feel strongly about it in any way. However, I did enjoy it enough to pick up the next book on audio. I'm hopeful that my connection will grow as the series continues.
The Vanishing Stair by Maureen Johnson

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This is a sequel and may contain spoilers for book 1 - Truly Devious

In the aftermath of book 1, Stevie is back home after being pulled from Ellingham Academy. But an unexpected person whisks her back to school with an assignment - keep David in line. Now her mission to solve the murder is back on and she's more determined than ever. And she has one huge thing on her side, she has the first new evidence in years.

This is told in third person, in dual timelines - today from Stevie's POV and 1936 from Albert Ellingham's.

I LOVE the flashback format! I feel like it adds so much to this story.

This book ends on a massive cliffhanger. If that's not your jam, I definitely recommend waiting for book 3 to be released!

Content Warnings: Murder/Death, Anxiety, Panic Attacks

What I Liked
1. This mystery is so twisty and well done! And these cliffhangers will be the death of me!
2. I love the format of this book! The flashbacks slowly reveal what really happened in 1936 and it adds so much to the atmosphere and tension of the mystery.
3. The pacing of this book was perfect - which is important as this is definitely a plot driven book. We learn so much new information about the murders and happenings of Ellingham and were introduced to even more new threads. There were so many reveals and twists that I was 100% invested from start to finish. I never wanted to put this down!
4. I just want to mention once more how many years this cliffhanger has taken from my life. So. Good.

What I Didn't Like
1. I'll be honestly I still feel very meh and unattached to the characters. My love for this series is much more about the plot than the actual characters. I don't have strong feelings about any one of them or their relationships.
My Life in Shambles by Karina Halle

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2.5 stars but I'll round up. I desperately wanted to love this. But it did not work for me... Full rtc
The Hunting Party by Lucy Foley

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3.5 stars!

A group of friends travels to the Scottish Highlands for their early New Years Eve reunion. They've been friends since college and have been making these trips for 10 years. But this year feels different. Years of secrets and resentments are causing the group to fracture. When a massive blizzard hits, the group is stranded at the lodge.
Now one of them is dead... and another of them did it.

This is told in 4 POVs - 1 in present day, and 3 leading up to the murder. Eventually the timelines converge as the mystery is revealed.
This is a very classic feeling mystery! If you're a fan of Agatha Christie, or An Unwanted Guest by Shari Lepena, this book will be right up your alley.

Content Warnings: A lot of these are spoilers and may spoil 1 or more of the reveals.
Spoiler Cheating, personality disorder, drug & alcohol use, stalking, sexual assault/aggression, murder, PTSD, depression, on page animal death

What I Liked
1. This book was wonderfully atmospheric. The isolated lodge added so much tension and mystery to the story. I love a good isolated setting in mystery/thrillers and this one was perfectly done.
2. I loved how the reveals were done. 3 of the chapters take place a few days in the past and slowly work their way to the present and 1 of the chapters takes place in the present. When the timelines meet, the mystery is revealed. I really loved the classic feel of a mystery slowly unfolding.
3. While the story itself may not be anything earth shattering in the mystery genre, I thought the author did a great job making all of the characters appear guilty. She builds lots of tensions amongst the group and at one point I suspected all of them. Overall the mystery elements were well handled and surprising.

What I Didn't Like
1. I didn't love that one of the POVs was written in 3rd person while the other 3 were is in 1st. I didn't really understand the choice at all found it really jarring every time I got to Doug's chapters.
2. I never fully connected to this story or the characters. Everyone is very unlikeable so I don't know if that played a role. But in general, I found it very easy to put this book down.

Overall, I really enjoyed this mystery! I love classic-esque mysteries and this one absolutely fit the bill. I will for sure read any future mysteries Lucy Foley writes!
Someone We Know by Shari Lapena

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3.5 stars

I received this as an arc from Penguin Publishing via Edelweiss+ in exchange for an honest review

This follows a small, suburban community in the wake of a murder.
A few weeks ago, of the neighborhood wives disappeared. Everyone thought she left her husband until her and her car is found at the bottom of the lake. The once quiet neighborhood is thrown into chaos as secrets and lies are revealed.

This story is told for tons of different perspectives. It jumps around frequently with little to no differentiation or notice.
This story feels very much like a class, whodunit mystery.

Content Warnings: Murder, Cheating, Underage Drinking

What I Liked
1. Like An Unwanted Guest, this gave me all the classic-whodunit-mystery vibes. This isn't a suspenseful, uber-twisty thriller. Instead it's more a slow, walk-through reveal. If you like that classic mystery feel, this could definitely be the book for you!
2. I also really enjoyed the look into suburban living. Everyone was in everyone's else's business and lying and keeping secrets.
3. The final reveal was really well done! I personally didn't guess whodunit, but once it was revealed, I realized I should have seen it coming from the very beginning. I love when reveals feel very believable and this one definitely had hints from the start. I thought it was so well concealed amongst the chaos of the characters and community.

What I Didn't Like
1. Note: I did read this as an arc so this may be different in the finished copy. There were a lot (too many) POVs in this story. While I usually enjoy multi-pov books, this had way too many and they weren't labeled. So it was a little difficult to get into at first because I struggled to remember who everyone was and who I was reading from.
2. I don't think this story did anything particularly new or inventive. While I loved the classic vibes, I wished it had put some type of twist on it.
3. What was this ending??... Shari Lapena usually blows me away with her Epilogue endings. But this was one made no sense to me.. I was so confused. It felt more like a cliffhanger than ending. I might have given this 4 stars if I had skipped the Epilogue.

Overall this was solid mystery. I love Shari Lapena's writing and the classic style she brings to her mysteries. This one wasn't my absolute favorite, but I think it was still really well done and it had my attention from start to finish. This is a quick mystery I think a lot of people will enjoy.
Final Girls by Riley Sager

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10 years ago Quincy was the lone survivor of a massacre known as the Pine Cottage Murders. She instantly became a member of the Final Girls - a group of girls who were also the lone survivor.
Now Quincy is living her life with her soon-to-be-fiance and running a baking website. She still can't remember any details of the night of the murders. But she's happy to keep that night in the past.
Until Lisa, another Final Girl, if found dead and Sam, the 3rd Final Girl, shows up on her doorstep. Now they are thrust back into the spot light and Quincy's seemly normal and perfect life starts to unravel.

This book was so suspense and so well written.
This is told in alternating time lines - in the present from Quincy's POV and flashes back to the night of the murder. I absolutely loved the flashes into the past as it was slowly revealed what really happened that night.

Content Warnings: Murder, Gore, Death of a Parent, Cancer, Sexual Assault, Cheating, PTSD, Drug Addiction/Abuse, Violence

What I Liked
1. This book was SO suspenseful! Riley Sager so perfectly built this air of unsureness and unease. I started off feeling so confident in the narrator but grew to question her reliability, along with everyone else's, as the story went on. It was the perfect slow burn build up.
2. These twists totally got me! My the half way point I was certain I had some of this figured out. Boy was I wrong! But not only were the reveals surprising but they were believable. Once everything was revealed I immediately thought - how did I miss that?! Which is exactly how I want to feel about my thriller reveals. Clues were 100% hidden, but I missed all of them.
3. The alternating format worked so well for this. I was desperate to get to more of the Pine Cottage chapters because I NEEDED to know what happened!

What I Didn't Like
1. The first quarter of this was a little slow. It took me 2 days to read the first 80 pages but then I binged the last 250+ pages in a single night. Once the story picked up, it PICKED UP. But the early chapters were repetitive and drawn out. I was honestly a little sick of hearing about the details of Quinn's baking.
2. A few of the wrap-ups were a little convenient and I didn't care for how the main characters were just "forgiven" for some pretty terrible actions. More specifically for anyone who's read this
SpoilerI didn't like that Tina took the fall for the beating/coma or that she and Quinn forgave each other and became friendly. They royally screwed up each other's lives and it was just all forgive and forget. It was a little too convenient and neat.

Overall I absolutely loved this. Riley Sage is definitely up there on my list of must read thriller authors now. I'm so glad I own his other 2 books because I can't wait to read more from him! If you're looking for a twisty, suspenseful thriller - definitely check this one out!
The Simple Wild by K.A. Tucker

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Wow. So many feelings right now ❤ RTC
The Wife Between Us by Sarah Pekkanen, Greer Hendricks

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2.5 stars...

This follows a woman who is obsessed with her ex-husband's new fiancé. She slowly reveals what happened in her marriage and all the dark secrets that have been hidden.

I really don't want to say much here - there isn't a ton of plot to this story and I don't want to spoil anything.

This is domestic thriller following an unreliable female character.
I personally did not find this book book suspenseful or creepy in any way. However it does touch on some pretty serious subjects. So check out the content warnings below if you're sensitive to any triggers. However! Many of them are spoilers so I recommend skipping them if you can handle most thrillers.

Content Warnings:
SpoilerEmotional & Physical Abuse, Stalking, Alcohol & Drug Abuse, Macular Degeneration, Depression

What I Liked
1. The twist at the halfway point was FANTASTIC. I couldn't believe how much it took me by surprise. I actually gasped out loud at the gym. Unfortunately it was the only shocking thing in this book...
2. I enjoyed the subtle insanity of the characters. Unlike a lot of other thrillers I've read recently, this book was not over the top with it's twists or character arcs. Everything about this felt realistic and plausible.

What I Didn't Like
1. This was so. dang. slow. This book dragged on for way too long. Half the time I felt like we were aimlessly following the main character as she repeated the same things over and over.
2. The final reveal(s) felt really disappointing. I was expecting another twist or something shocking... but it just ended. I wanted so much more from this.

Overall, this was quite disappointing. I was expecting a twisty, suspenseful thriller but this is more domestic fiction. I didn't get a single spooky/thrilling vibe out of this. However, I did enjoy the authors' writing style so I still plan to check out some of their other books!
On the Island by Tracey Garvis Graves

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Omg this took me by complete surprise. Rtc