nouranato's reviews
397 reviews

Powerless by Lauren Roberts

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3.5 ⭐
Whoever is going to pick this book up should lower the expectations just so you wouldn't be met with too much disappointment. It wasn't bad but it wasn't grand either.
Powerful by Lauren Roberts

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Just two characters who deserved better. No I'm not in tears. Yes Adena deserves all the sticky buns of this world. I'm sorry Mak; I really am.
Vicious by V.E. Schwab

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The madman who’d murdered two people at the Falcon Price building, all the while claiming to be some monster-slayer, some hero. —— Elliot Ever once said out of desperation: “Can’t you see that? I’m a hero.” And also “She’ll tell you. I’m a hero!” Elliot Ever was/is a pathetic peace of shit of a man, self-absorbed, thinking he exists for a higher purpose, given such powers after his NDE to cleanse the world from monsters who just happened to have the unfortunate chance to have a near death experience. Eli looked sweet, charming and often called charismatic but Victor could see right through him.

Victor who was preoccupied by Eli’s presence who I had actually said before that had a weird and creepy fixation over Elliot and I (a clown) had said that I feel concerned for Elliot Ah Ahhhhhh anyways. Victor was all about revenge even tho he had no clue how he would kill Elliot but he had the masterful plan of letting the authorities catch him in the act and it was SMORT, the execution was risky and kinda messy (burning some girl’s body and all) but SMORT AND well it worked right ? Hopefully.

I didn’t give the book a 5 ⭐️ because it felt like something was missing you know ? Don’t know if it was the bit of shallowness of the motives between the two parties or something else but I have finally stepped inside the V.E. Schwab zone and I’m not planning on getting out anytime soon (although a break doesn’t sound so bad).

Loved this book, loved the setting and the EOs variety of powers and hopefully I’ll start Vengeful sometime soon
Reckless by Lauren Roberts

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Surprisingly, this was actually good.
After having the absolute shock from powerless, I had little faith in what was next. For powerful the story was actually worth putting in a novel even tho I had some comments on some part of that book.

For Reckless here, I actually dived in with an open mind open heart and no judgement with the hope of fixing most of the things that were wrong in powerless.

At first Lauren thankfully got an editor. The story rhythm was actually good from the first 100 pages to the last 100, it didn't drag like powerless did and to me that was really really my highest demand (500 pages was just too much for such a story).

By the end of the first few chapters I actually had some questions written down because I wanted to know because powerless really lacked the answers for most of the questions that I personally had and by the end I had all of them but 1 answered.

The chemistry between them got better, I wasn't just reading two ppl with forced and annoying flirtation there were actual feelings here in a certain scene it was actually so emotional I actually had tears in my eyes, it was well written.

The revelations throughout the book were well timed although some revelation took the entire book but anyways.

At the end there was some part where the reaction to some thing (I ain't spoiling you shit whoever is reading this) was exaggerated but I also didn't mind because the book was overall good.

Kitt was so 2D here, lacking personality and having just inky fingers. I felt like maybe she could've made his POVs a bit longer and with more meaning than seeing him just sinking into the floor mourning the dead king who doesn't deserve to be mourned.

The end??? I'm still so freaking confused about what happened and I don't understand what that even means. It was so unexpected, it threw me off guard like what do you mean this is the end?? Like hell this is the end. But it was and I'm left with two questions but I'll only reveal one.

How long was that fucking chain guys???
Lies of the Wicked by B.L. Lewis

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I didn't know I fanscied witches until I picked this book tbh. From the world threaded to the characters it was truly different for me. It was fast paced maybe a little bit too fast at some times than it should but nevertheless it introduced the lone witch Thessa and her unique existence *Wink **Wink*

I liked how each chapter started with notes from her different classes because it was the author's way of giving us information about the world without the element of info-dumbing and it worked for her at some part but I think it failed in others because it had me confused at some points.

Although I loved the characters even if they angered me at some points or were irrational at others for no appropriate reason it felt as if the author was very familiar with the story that she may have forgotten that Us the audience are just getting introduced to these characters and this plot line.

It felt as if I should know these people and I don't; not until I was halfway where I had some familiarity with the story. It felt like I was reading this from the outside instead.


I did not skim through this book, I was engulfed by the story and by the need to know what's gonna happen next; how could this mess be untangled.

One other thing about the characters is the love interests or the characters relationships, they felt so instant; there wasn't much depth in how these characters started to have a liking/interest in each other (planning a whole rescuing plan because of sudden liking developed by one of the characters to another was not it, they weren't even that familiar with each other to risk their lives for each other
The Queen of Nothing by Holly Black

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Long live the High King and the Queen of Elfhame
Our Dark Duet by V.E. Schwab

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I will never be the same person who started this book, I will never forgive ✨Victoria Schwab✨ for this one (you're brilliant, you tore my heart out like a Malchai).
Asylum by Madeleine Roux

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Unfortunately Goodreads doesn't have the half star option. This book is from the YA horror genre but the only horror that I saw was the fact that this was a published book. This book tried to be 'Miss peregrine's home for peculiar children' and it failed so miserably.

Although the synopsis was promising the book did not deliver so imagine my horror when I found out that this is a series and not just a standalone. The book starts with a quote from Edgar Allan Poe (an author that actually used to write horror stories) so you can tell how disappointing it was when I started the book and didn't see even the inspiration from him.

About the writing and characters: it's not that the writing was unmemorable, it was just bad. Plain with no rhythm. The characters are supposed to be 16 but the author clearly had no clue how these kids interact.We have Dan as our main character who had come from the foster system and was adopted by this amazing couple who even sent him to therapy when he needed to. He seems like an anxious boy who hopes to make new friends in this pre- prep summer school for college.

All of the sudden he meets Abby and Jordan and a friendship just happens and.... Oh no suddenly Dan is jealous of Jordan because he's good looking and has it all because apparently all of the sudden Dan likes Abby who he just met but don't worry Jordan just came out to them as gay and Abby is not his type (gotcha
Cinder by Marissa Meyer

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I had started this no expectations at all, but I was really tempted by the concept so I was like: let's buy this entire series

As I started the book I realized it was a retelling of various fairtales and the last book that I read that had that was very much traumatizing for me.

So I was really glad when I say a story sprouting, I think I loved everything about this book except that maybe the feelings/interest between the two main character happened a bit too fast but otherwise.

Solid story ✅
Solid world building ✅
Solid characters (I hated some of the with my whole heart actually) ✅
Solid cliffhanger (I have the rest of the series hahahaha) ✅
Glitches by Marissa Meyer

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That was incredibly sad.