noori86's reviews
142 reviews

Cinder by Marissa Meyer

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So addictive, hard to put down!

At first I was a bit hesitated to start this series because retellings tend to disappoint me, But Cinder was a real treat, Thank God the whole series is available! I liked how this retelling empowers the feminine role and changes the thing that annoys me the most about Cinderella, (her ultimate goal in attending the ball and being rescued by the prince!), I also liked that the novel has more depth and deals with more characters than Cinderella... just finished it on Kindle and going to get the next in the series after finishing this review!
The Wicked King by Holly Black

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This book is by far my favorite, while reading it I felt drawn into the Faerie World and I did not want to leave! what I liked most about the series in the way that it is unpredictable, I mean the ending! I did not see it coming and it left me gaping! I highly recommend it, once I started reading the first book (The Cruel Prince) I wasn't able to stop and now I need to wait for a year to know what happens next
A Court of Wings and Ruin by Sarah J. Maas

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I really liked this series, I liked most characters, the development of them, though the focus on the first three books was solely on the main characters and I would've preferred that I knew more about the others whom I found really interesting (maybe that's what the following novels would be about). All in all, I found it really enjoyable.