noori86's reviews
142 reviews

Caraval by Stephanie Garber

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I really had high hopes for this book! It was ok I guess but still, I needed... more! so it was not boring, it was fast-paced and it held my interest. Scarlet, the main character, irritated the hell out of me with her constant hesitation and her inability to stand the hell up and grow a backbone! you are on the island already, you might as well get the best of it rather than wanting to go back and marry the fiance that you don't even know his name! I mean seriously! what's that all about?! hope Tella will prove to be a more interesting character! I will read Legendary in the hope that the series will get better...
I'm Fine and Neither Are You by Camille Pagán

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"It takes courage to be yourself when everyone expects you to be someone else." Camille Pagán, I'm Fine and Neither are You.
It's been a while since I read a novel like this one! The characters are so real and relatable, the novel discusses important issues that many of us struggle with... it shows how social media sets false standards that people strive for... the devastating effect of the illusion of "the perfect life, the perfect husband, the perfect job...etc" on us. It also discusses the hardships couples go through when taking their relationship for granted... it also sheds the light on another important issue which is addiction... the importance of admitting it and having the required support and inner strength to overcome it. I loved this novel, I liked that it made me reflect on my own life and to look for ways to improve it.