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naceprettub's reviews
786 reviews

The Bite Before Christmas by Heidi Betts

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I got this one free through my Kindle and figured "what the heck?" It seemed like something that might amuse me and probably would be a little different.

The Bite Before Christmas contains three short stories. I'm not usually a fan of shorts just because I like details and I feel like I don't have time to really *love* the characters. The reason I read is to get lost in a story. I find I'm not able to do that with a shorter book.

TBBC was cute and probably what I was expecting. It follows three couples who are all connected in some way. Connor and Jillian, Vivian and Sean and Angelina and Ian. Angelina is a professional matchmaker and has a hand in the first two couples relationships.

I've never read anything else written by Heidi Betts so I can't really review her writing style as fully as I'd like. As short stories go, it was an ok read that was light and fluffy. The bonus is that it was free. I wish Goodreads allowed "half" stars as well. I liked it more than "two" but probably not "three".
Salting Roses by Lorelle Marinello

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I received this in a Goodreads Giveaway a couple of weeks ago. When I first read the synopsis (which made me enter to win) I was happy to see a "Southern" fiction as a giveaway. I started reading it after finishing up something else and for the most part I enjoyed it.

My only "complaint" if it can be called that, is that being from the South, I kind of felt unsure about the dialogue (the phrasing, the 'southern speak') when this is a modern day book. Sometimes it seemed too forced and over the top, but it wasn't anything that kept me from enjoying Salting Roses.

This is a cute book with fun characters and a peek into a young womans life when she finds out everything isn't what it seems. Gracie's family is a little hodge podge of people she's always assumed were biological family. Her story shows that you don't necessarily have to share blood to be a family. If you're from the south, you'll definitely recognize some of these characters as someone you know; a neighbor, an aunt, a friend.

I would recommend it to anyone interested in reading something light and different.
A Woman Called Sage by DiAnn Mills

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I actually started reading this because someone I talk to on Twitter posted that it was free and seemed interesting. I didn't pay attention to the fact that it was published by a company that puts out Christian based fiction. While I was reading there was a lot of mention of God and religion but I didn't feel like it was being shoved down my throat. That being said...

I'm really glad that I read this one. A Woman called Sage is unlike anything I usually read: genre, included.

Sage Morrow is a female bounty hunter but it's the "why" of it that makes it interesting. When she meets and teams up with Marshal Parker Timmons to catch a family of outlaws things really get tense. I found myself rooting for Sage and Parker; hoping she got what she was after and for both of them to get a HEA (happily ever after).

I was happy with how things turned out. It was a quick read and nice to have something different.
Meant to Be by Tiffany King

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Why can't we give half stars? I'd like to give Meant to Be 3.5, darn it! I did like it a lot, definitely more than 3 stars worth and bordering on 4.

I bumped Meant to Be up on my to be read list because I'd been seeing such good things about it. I also wanted to read something different after finishing up the last book I read. MtB did not disappoint and fit that bill perfectly.

My only "complaint" would be that I would have liked more build up and more details on some things. But really, that's mostly because I wanted more of everything. I pretty much read it in a day and wanted to take my time but I couldn't put it down either.

Krista is a beautiful, smart girl that sees herself as ordinary when she looks in a mirror. All of her life she's been dreaming of an unknown boy who has aged as she has. Add that to the emotional roller coaster Krista feels daily, via her own emotions, and those of others, and her life is nothing close to "normal".

Krista is unexplainably drawn to Santa Cruz; a place she's never been in her life. When she and her mother up and move there Krista starts a new school. Right away she meets someone that she feels a shocking connection with. For the first time in her life she has a real friend; someone that understands what she is going through.

Unexpectedly Krista walks into a class to find her dream guy. Literally. The realization that he is REAL and not just a figment of her imagination is staggering. At first Krista is unwilling to speak to Mark; frightened at the things she doesn't know or understand. When she finally succumbs her world gets turned upside down even more.

The thing she doesn't expect is that having Mark near her makes her stronger and helps her to fight off the emotions that sometimes take over. As the story goes deeper and the group of friends begin their search for others like themselves. No one realizes the danger they are in as they dig.

When Krista and Mark are kidnapped they discover that what they thought they knew is no more. They both have to fight for their lives to escape the horror and pain being inflicted on them. Once they are rescued by an unlike source they are able to come together with others they have not met.

As I read more of MtB the writing became more fluid and engaging. This book is full of revelations. Tiffany King has created a world of her own and I really enjoyed that. I don't know if she plans on this being a series but I would love to have more; to learn what happens to everyone and to see what else they discover about their race. I think it has definitely potential as a series and would love to see that happen. Good stuff.