Going from Sanderson's and Jordan's writing in the Wheel of Time to this...journal entry essay for my English class, is jarring to say the least.
The plot is really nice and fun. The main character is boring and smart, that's all. The book is carried by a character we meet half way through the book. Every other character introduced is nothing. They mean nothing. They add nothing to the story. No wonder Grace decided to go to Erid instead of Earth, because humans on Earth, in this book, are the most one-dimensional assholes I've seen.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
No Words. I genuinely feel like I have just lost a group of very good friends finishing this series. I don't know if I am satisfied with this ending or not. My opinion on it changes by the minute. All I can say is, my biggest fear starting this series didn't come true: It isn't a waste of time. The Slog is NOT a waste of time. It is a part of an incredible journey with some of the most amazing characters ever put on paper.
The Best book of the Wheel of Time, so far (Edit: It is the best!), without a doubt!
This book makes Egwene al'Vere and Rand al'Thor two of the best characters in fantasy EVER. Egwene is probably the best female character in Fantasy, for me now, beating Daenerys Targaryen and Vin from Mistborn.
Rand's storyline throughout this book has been nothing but masterful. The emotions of sadness, frustration, anger and happiness that this boy makes me feel are close to none other.
This book is not a 5 for one reason: Mat. Brandon's Mat feels totally different to how Jordan left off with Mat in Knife of Dreams. He feels he's lost some of his maturity and I didn't like that.
Other than that this book is the absolute perfect start to the end of this story.
An absolutely amazing second half dragged down by a Wheel of time typical dull first. Other than that this book is the first time the Wheel of Time made me tear up. 'The Golden Crane flies for Tarmon Gai'don!' is the best moment of the whole series so far. After 5 books of a meandering plot, this one was much needed. Thank you Robert Jordan!
Don't listen to any Wheel of Time forum. It is perfectly fine just reading the summaries of chapters for this shadowspawn of a book. NOTHING happens!! Will never touch this again, if I ever reread the series.