mizzmarie's reviews
281 reviews

Prey Drive by Jen Stevens

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I was lucky enough to get an ARC of this book and these are my honest opinions. This book had me hooked from the beginning following Jovie and Bash getting both their povs was such a treat and a whirlwind. I devoured this book and the twists had me literally picking my jaw off the floor so un-expected and so wonderfully done this book is a must-read.
The House Across the Lake by Riley Sager

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I had to take a moment to let this story sit with me before rating it. I in all enjoyed the story I have so far read 3 Riley Sager books and while I enjoy his books I was a little shocked about the twist this book gave. I am fairly new to thriller books and so far most have had a real solutions or explanation and I feel like the twist in this book was a little out of that norm and took me out of the story a bit cause I went from a logical twist to a slightly paranormal one and it just didn't fit the story like I feel it should have.