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mayajoelle's reviews
743 reviews
From Now 'Til Forever by Kellyn Roth
Accidentally read without reading any of the others in the series
A Plain and Sweet Christmas Romance Collection by Jerry S. Eicher
My grandmother gave this to me after she finished it (she loves Amish romances) and I actually enjoyed it! Not all of the stories, but some of them were very sweet. And one of the MCs was named Glory, which made me happy.
Legacy by Shannon Messenger
A marked improvement from Flashback and the main reason I'm still continuing with the series.
But OH MY GOODNESS, Sophie, pick which guy you like already! Aghh!
But OH MY GOODNESS, Sophie, pick which guy you like already! Aghh!
Pegasus by Robin McKinley
I love Robin McKinley's style and worldbuilding, but this book literally ends mid-conflict and there's apparently no sequel. Not happy.