mayajoelle's reviews
743 reviews

Rethinking School: How to Take Charge of Your Child's Education by Susan Wise Bauer

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One of the rare books on homeschooling that I read in its entirety. My house is full of them since my parents homeschool us, and I've skimmed several, but this kept my attention all the way through. A concise, devastating explanation of the problems with public education.
Deny All Charges by Eoin Colfer

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Four stars purely for enjoyment. I doubt this book will endure long on its literary merits, but I unashamedly love reading the series. Such a weirdly adorable book.

read October 2020
Calling on Dragons by Patricia C. Wrede

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Not as good as the first two, but I enjoyed it.

read 5/9/2020
Talking to Dragons by Patricia C. Wrede

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An engaging finale, but I didn't like the POV switch (this one is in 1st; the others are in 3rd) and missed my fave Mendanbar.

Definitely don't start with this one.

read 5/10/2020