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marleaf7's reviews
127 reviews

Aimée & Jaguar: A Love Story, Berlin 1943 by Erica Fischer

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this book was definitely interesting. it was sad, as excepted, but i just didn’t like the set up. i did learn more about the way if life during the war and the holocaust and how germans had to deal with as opposed to life in concentration camps. i cant say i liked it but i did learn something, so that is something.
The Poppy War by R.F. Kuang

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omg i just like wow. like so good and so intense like wow.
The Drowned Woods by Emily Lloyd-Jones

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i loved this so much omg, it fell a little flat in places i think but overall it was so cool and interesting. i adore how it connects to the bone houses. like wow
The Dragon Republic by R.F. Kuang

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i really liked the first book, but idk something about the plot just put me off. i just couldnt connect to the characters and it was just tragedy after tragedy. which i understand its a book about war and oppression but man, it just kept getting worse and worse. but then there is a bit of romance in it that seems odd. then at times it feels like rin just glosses over things that were very important to her in the first book. it was interesting, i still want to know what happens and how rin’s story ends but man.
Inferno by Dante Alighieri

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its the vibes fr, sometimes the writing got a bit confusing but mostly i liked the style and the concept so
The Burning God by R.F. Kuang

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man wtf. wtf man. wtf. i just holy shit? like wow like i dont even know how to describe this. like all the characters followed themselves truly but also like they just got worse. like that obviously tracks with how the boom was set up and it was done beautifully but also i just dont like bad after bad after bad thing happening. and the book could have done without the little romance and focused on family/friendship love and would have been just as powerful. but man wtf. wtf.
Beloved by Toni Morrison

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how curious this book was. i really liked it and the way she revealed the story was super cool/fun to read. and i like that denver did not succumb to madness, like i was expecting.
This Is How You Lose the Time War by Max Gladstone, Amal El-Mohtar

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i loved this so much. like the way it focused on the people and not the plot was so cool and i loved it so so so so so much. i would honestly reread it
Hell Followed with Us by Andrew Joseph White

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holy hell. what the actual fuck. wow. that was so good and unnerving. definitely has me questioning religion and faith and all that a lot more and in depth now. holy shit