lyrasbookshelf's reviews
594 reviews

Falling by T.J. Newman

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Jo and Big Daddy give me life. That is all.
Hera by Jennifer Saint

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 30%.
This does not feel like Jennifer Saint. She has tried to cram as much mythology into it as possible, resulting in a story that is too superficial and telling rather than showing. It meanders all over the place, too far from the point it's trying to make. I really wanted to root for Hera and was excited to read a portrayal of her that was different from the usual jealous wife and evil step-mother, but I couldn't because she lacked dimension and purpose. There was not a single character that interested me in this retelling.
A Haunting in the Arctic by C.J. Cooke

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Immersive and highly entertaining, but I couldn't help but be bothered by a huge chunk of Dom's chapters, namely
the TikTok thing, the sloppy, slapdash research, all the tech being used by ghosts.
I get that it was all
imaginary, created by Dom
, but it wasn't convincing or explained enough, so the overall impression was a bit ridiculous.
Where the Library Hides by Isabel IbaƱez

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Not as good as the first one, but still enjoyable enough. One of my biggest gripes was the deterioration of Inez's character, as I really dislike it when FMCs become complete airheads because of their romantic feelings. I also feel that the author could have taken into account the criticisms the first book received and smoothed over some of the most glaring inconsistencies.