kellymce's reviews
707 reviews

The 39 Steps by John Buchan

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Lots of drunken scotsmen, hijinks, thrills. Not so many women.
The Children of Men by P.D. James

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Now that I've read this, I'd like to watch the film again. It's markedly different, but I liked them both. The book loses steam at the end, but man, James had the whole dystopic-reproductive-failure thing down pat.
Spook Country by William Gibson

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I always enjoy reading Gibson, but I don't often retain much. This is no exception: I just finished it and I still am a little unclear on what actually happened. Maybe I'm just a sloppy reader.

Unrelatedly, this was my favorite line in the whole book: "'Being Canadian,' said Bigend, 'even in today's fraught world, isn't always the first thing I'd mention about someone.'" Gibson knows about stealth Canadians, people.