jessica42980's reviews
629 reviews

On the Right Side of a Line by Shandy L. Kurth

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This is the third book I have read by Kurth and my first book I have read dealing with gangs. After the first few chapters it was hard to put down!

Valen is a great character! He is conflicted, but wanting to do what's right. Most of the books I read are read are from the female perspective,so this was a refreshing change for me.

The book felt realistic and was gritty. Towards the end I had no idea what was going to happen. I had a few thoughts, but they were wrong.

I will be reading more books by Shandy Kurth!
Kitty Genovese: The Murder, the Bystanders, the Crime That Changed America by Kevin Cook

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Wow! This is not the story of this case that I remember hearing in college! The little bit of this case we learned in college was wrong! There is so much more to this sad case. And everything that happened after Kitty Genovese was murdered makes it even sadder.

The author spent two years researching and learning things we didn't know. The ending of the book with showing a step by step of Kitty's last moments leave you with thinking about everything that happened- including a shocker that I didn't know. I came very close to tearing up at the end.

There was some extraneous material throughout the book. It did not need to be there and I scanned over those paragraphs. There was so much that I almost rated the book 4 stars.

Atlas Died by Michelle N. Onuorah

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Another good one by Michelle Onouorah! This dystopian novel makes you think about where our country may be going, and not for the better.

This book made me think and I teared up a little towards the end.

I can't wait to read more from this author!