Hate this couple. Summer definitely deserved better than this dumbass piece of shit. Idk how we’re labeling him as a good guy when literally he’s situationship final boss of the worst kind.
Annunciation would’ve been really helpful for this read. There’s definitely parts I just couldn’t understand. But overall a great read and the readers did amazing on the whole.
I loved seeing where everyone had gone after the original Briar series. I definitely enjoyed some stories more than others. Sabrina and Tucker are the worst. Garret and Hannah will always have my heart. The bit with the creepy doll was a funny way to tie all the stories together.
Heartbreaking and heartmending. I think the author does a good job on making you really feel for all of the characters and the struggles they go through as well as dealing with some complex emotions and situations in a realistic way. I think she shows how trauma affects people differently and that everyone is going through their own struggles and nobody’s issues are more or less important.
My only thing I would’ve like to have known more about was how Dean and Mandy ended up together in the first place and more about their relationship. I think it’s the most unrealistic part of the story that they would’ve spent 15 years together and never even had moved in together while being engaged. I think they’re brushed off too much, even though it’s not the main story, it’s unfolded not great. There’s so much detail in all the other places of this story and it’s sad this falls flat when it’s a significant relationship to the storyline.
Some older books are hard to read but this one reads so well! An amazing read that shines a light on politics and the corruption that can come from it.
An interesting story about Elsie and Frances who made the world believe in fairies for a time. I personally align myself with Frances that while the fairies they photographed might have been fake, that there were really fairies in the beck. I thinks it’s incredible how long they were able to keep the secret. A quick and easy read, it reads well and interesting. I definitely want to check out the other books that were inspired by these photographs and the autobiography that was published by Frances’ daughter.