Great story following Alex McCandles death in the Alaskan Wilderness. I loved Krakauer's retracing of Alex's steps and integrated what he could have felt in through his Alex's paper trail with accidential friends, previous adventurers stories of the wild and his own experience of nearly dying in the Wilderness. Howeverer the,last 50 or so pages felt a bit slow as it went back and forth what happened/the impetus was put onto tje otehrs experiences and stories rather than the what happened to Alex.
I realised why I find it so difficult to Read these books it feels that that the development of the character is all that is important in these books. With the key plot points just haphazardly thrown in and in my opinion feel rushed. For example the last scene wherein Juliet is taken, thag scene was mainly done in warrens POV and just happened very fast. By the time I realised what was happening it was Juliet’s POV and the final chapter or so.
Moreover it feels like everything is just rehashed over and over again in terms of character development. Juliet is naive. Juliet feels strong and detached herself, she then realalisws you need to be a team to survive this, then someone breaks her heart and the cycle starts again. Same with warren he loves her, wants to protect her but can’t communicate. I don’t think this are bad hoods I just think I don’t gel with this style wirh writing
I wish there was more development of how Juliet became a good speaker, a representative and leader. It felt like she wanted t beicme that so people just gave it to her, rather than she earned it. Moreover the way she plays with warrens feelings is ridiculous, she thinks her being a innocent and good natured has the resulting affect of helping people. Rather it ks being selfish and forcing people to rush through their Trauma
Also not Adam being a little bitch… he wants to control her so bad and loves a shy girl
The main character Juliet likes to talks about how she is fearful of hurting people big is so sad of that her fiends are hurt because of her and she often wallows in her own self pity. I wish there was more development of how she is pushing through these feelings. Moreover why does warren love her so quickly?????? Like there was not enough sweet moments between her and warren in the first book but neither in this one. It would have been nice to have both Adam and warrens pov throughout this book. Thank god for kneji trying to pull everyone out of the self pity party
Very solid book. The author writes very nicely and in the audiobook version I appreciate the striking of sentences with an audible sound, it makes you feel involved in the story. Some of the description's seem like she used a thesaurus to find very niche synonyms but other than that very engaging. The vibe was very 2014 Tumblr hate myself core, I am a monster not one loves me etc. It is difficult to say if this is overdone or not because the plot itself is very focused on the protagonists 'flaws'
Very lighthearted romance book! I like how the author put in little details that all read re have when they try and imagine a scene. For rwxample picking up the phone while your driving?? - Bluetooth. Just thrown up??? Don’t kiss on the mouth ughhhhh.
But as a romance book I like how they empathise continuous consent, boundaries checking in with each other. Al and all very nice light hearted read!
This book makes you reflect on mental issues, specifically depression. You hate the main character because of her negative thought patterns. Nevertheless if it someone you know has suffered form this you undserstand how comforting this book can be. When your in the right mental state you see her as a snobby, uptight person minimicing her mothers appearance opinions and her fathers estrangement. However if actually reflects the feelings and thought patterns a depressed person goes through.