fulgheri's reviews
663 reviews

At the Mouth of the River of Bees: Stories by Kij Johnson

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Some stories are great, others are pretty meaningless. The usual mixed bag...
In Calabria by Peter S. Beagle

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Lots of mistakes when using Italian words and phrases, as usual with English-speaking writers.
The story is pretty absurd and pointless, comes from and ends nowhere...
Burn by James Patrick Kelly

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A novella utterly under-developed, full of unexplored paths. What a pity...
Masche by Fabrizio Borgio

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Stracolmo di, virgole piazzate quando, va bene senza, senso, quando va, male addirittura tra, soggetto e, verbo.
Irritante come due mazzi di ortica nelle mutande (uno davanti e uno dietro).
Candidato fin dalle prime pagine ad una sola miserabile stella.
Per di più la storia è piuttosto banale e mal abbozzata.