emily2348's reviews
241 reviews

Woman at Point Zero by Nawal El Saadawi

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her writing is so beautiful, heartbreaking in such a small book. wish it was longer though i would have loved to have read more about Firdaus’ life.
Witches, Witch-Hunting, and Women by Silvia Federici

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reads like a very condensed version of caliban and the witch with a few more theories. I don’t read a lot of marxist feminists because they sometimes focus to much on the marxism and not enough on women’s oppression but Federici definitely has the right balance of both!
On Strike Against God by Joanna Russ

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this really reminded me of jeanette winterson’s writing maybe it is because they are both mainly sci-fi writers idk, just nice second-wave feminist fiction!
Laura's Ghost: Women Speak about Twin Peaks by Courtenay Stallings

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I didn’t particularly appreciate the random burlesque performer’s opinion piece but there is never a perfect anthology, also i really didn’t need information on random people’s careers for 75 pages. However, You can truly see in her essays how much Sheryl Lee cares about her portrayal of Laura i could read a whole book of her thoughts. The essays of other women talking about Laura did have me sobbing The second half was perfect, i carry laura palmer with me always. “Northern Star”  is something i need people to read before talking about Laura Palmer.

“When Carrie Page emits that iconic scream at the end of Season 3, Sheryl Lee said, she traveled back in her mind to Laura’s experience and the possibility of the nightmare happening again. She said she imagined what women go through: “There are still women who need to scream who are not allowed to scream. The statistics [regarding violence against women] are going up, not down. That is the scream.”
Private Rites by Julia Armfield

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every single one of her books stresses me out so badly, i do love the combination of horror and water though! her commitment to making every character a lesbian is admirable. (do still prefer our wives under the sea a little more)
Man Made Language by Dale Spender

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i’ve gone down a socio-linguistic rabbit hole and this was so amazing. she wrote about how male-centric language is, how women are silenced, the exclusion of women from literature and how the naming of women’s oppression is power. an amazing book on language!
The Secret Diary of Laura Palmer by Jennifer Lynch

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her poem’s in here oh my god, i think about laura palmer everyday
Are Women Human?: And Other International Dialogues by Catharine A. MacKinnon

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reading this after the past couple of days in my life has made it hit so much harder. Mackinnon is definitely one of the women i look up to the most the way she writes about women, laws and especially pornography is so smart. The last two essays back to back had me staring at my wall.
The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison

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a powerful read on being black and female, Morrison’s prose is something so unique i really need to read the rest of her works.
The Gilda Stories: The immortal cult classic by Jewelle Gomez

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 16%.
the fact Gilda runs a BROTHEL and exploits these young girls being skimmed over and treated as freedom is pissing me off too much 👎