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emily2348's reviews
241 reviews
Good Morning, Midnight by Jean Rhys
honestly reading this felt like i was having a mirtazipine dream just fever-like, but i adore jean rhys’ writing will be reading more of her!!
The Women's Room by Marilyn French
this has disappointed me, 516 pages for something that could of been under 400. it is literally the feminine mystique in fiction form. you can tell deeply it was written in the 70s with very off stereotyping of race and lesbians but the discussion around women and their place within society was pretty good. i mean worth reading as it is a feminist classic but don’t expect too much…
The New Woman's Broken Heart: Short Stories by Andrea Dworkin
beautiful and harrowing from dworkin as always, “the simple story of a lesbian girlhood” and “the slit” is some of her best fiction!!!
Love & Politics: Radical Feminist & Lesbian Theories by Carol Anne Douglas, Joan E. Biren
good discussion about a wide range of radical feminist thought and action, i mean anything with Dworkin, Mackinnon and Lorde mentioned is right up my street. however it did get a bit “all women are secretly lesbians” at times….
The Walnut Tree: Women, Violence and the Law by Kate Morgan
seeing the reflections of how female victims are treated now and in the past is so painful. the history of violence against women never gets easier to read about.
(however the phrase “sex work being the oldest profession comment pissed me off enough that i cannot rate it more than 3 stars)
(however the phrase “sex work being the oldest profession comment pissed me off enough that i cannot rate it more than 3 stars)
Valley of the Dolls by Jacqueline Susann
just absolutely nuts i could not put it down! amazing commentary on how women in the show industry are treated, how men treat women and the detrimental impact of a woman purely being seen as a “sex symbol”. the characters were messy women who all just wanted to be seen and loved. the males all need to be lined up and shot though… i couldn’t stop thinking about so many actresses in post-war usa, how the industry and men contributed to their deaths may they rest in peace.
Art & Lies: A Piece for Three Voices and a Bawd by Jeanette Winterson
beautifully weird book, the way winterson writes about yearning is unmatched. the parts “picasso” and “sappho” were my personal favourites and if it was just them it would be a 5 star read! her ability to add fruit metaphors in her ever book is actually my favourite.
A Vindication of the Rights of Woman by Mary Wollstonecraft
18th century feminist theory what more could you want some parts are still so deeply relevant but it does feel like it was written when it was, Wollstonecraft needs to be discussed more in philosophy because her mind is brilliant!
Against Sadomasochism: A Radical Feminist Analysis by Robin Ruth Linden, Vivienne Walker-Crawford, Jesse Meredith, Susan Leigh Star, Sally Roesch Wagner, Cheri Lesh, Kathleen Barry, Bat-Ami Bar On, Maryel Norris, Audre Lorde, Susan Griffin, Paula Tiklicorect, Darlene R. Pagano, Karen Sims, Diana E.H. Russell, Ti-Grace Atkinson, John Stoltenberg, Rose Mason, Karen Rian, Melissa Bay Mathis, Elizabeth Harris, Robin Morgan, Alice Walker, Sarah Lucia Hoagland, Judith Butler, Hilde Hein, Margaret Rossoff, Jeanette Nichols, Marissa Jonel
so many amazing essays on the harms of sado-masochism specifically within the lesbian community. essential reading especially with the rise in these dynamics being displayed. did get a little repetitive but that did get the point across very effectively. the tools of the patriarchy will never be liberation!
The Moon Is Always Female: Poems by Marge Piercy
read two poetry books this month who am i?! i loved the 2nd half of this but the 1st half was quite boring. overall a very eco-feminist anthology of poetry. i loved all the poems about her cats too. “Shadows of the burning” and “The moon is always female” were my favourites from this.