cneywendleton's reviews
853 reviews

Fear of Flying by Erica Jong

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Overview: Isadora Wing is a (nonpracticing) Jewish woman, married for the second time and feeling trapped. Her husband pushes her to psychotherapists whenever a fight rises between the two. She can never find true happiness and wants to be free. On a trip to Vienna, which she hates, she falls hard for a man who takes her on and adventure to find herself and her freedom.

Opinion: Is there really so much guilt in Jewish religion? I’d say a good chunk of the book is spent whining about how much Isadora hates Germany, and being paranoid of them finding out she is German. She even goes as far as to put “Unitarian” on her passport. Though I don’t think it matters as she and her family do not practice any religion, are just Jewish by way of ancestors. Maybe it’s just because it was written in the 70’s and people were still paranoid.

During the hating of Germans, we find that she is sexually frustrated and for another good chunk of the book, that seems to be the main reason she feels trapped. But then she contradicts herself and is afraid of losing her emotionless husband. It’s not until the end of the book that Isadora has a revelation of sorts and starts to become her own person.

Until the end, you don’t realize the book is about learning to get out of your own head, and live life not worrying about what comes next. Isadora travels all over Europe (though she hates traveling) with a guy she doesn’t know to figure out that worrying is pointless. Trying to find everlasting happiness in someone else is worthless if you don’t know your true self. She is chasing a dream that cannot be fulfilled, because she doesn’t truly know what she wants; instead she jumps from one guy to the next that are total opposites thinking she will find the answer.

Isadora is a spoiled woman who doesn’t realize everything she has until she spends weeks camping and driving around with a jerk and reminiscing about the past. Then after her revelations, she still doesn’t know what she wants or if she will reconcile with her husband.

I really wanted to like this book because it is one of my grandma’s favorites but I can’t. At the same time I do like it because I can see a bit of myself in the main character. Maybe that is also why I can’t love it, because I hate myself about as much as Isadora hates herself. I don’t have the guts to go off and do what she did, but I also don’t see the point of gallivanting around Europe just to learn something if know for years. I view it as a wasted trip as there was more drinking and driving then sightseeing and learning.

Recommend: Not sure.
Dr. Seuss Does Die Hard by The Single Screenwriter, N.J.L.

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Who knew Dr Suess and Die Hard would be perfect together?
The Scream by Amy Cross

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Overview: Early one morning, the small town of Pine Ridge is awaken with the sound of a girl screaming. It builds and builds, until it fills the whole town and bounces off the buildings making it impossible to tell where it’s coming from. The town gathers and searches everywhere but can’t find the source. Some believe it’s a prank after a few hours, some are dead set it is real and human. They discover that out of the 79 residents in town, only one is missing. Now they know who they are searching for, they just need to find her. After 14 hours of fruitless searching they find nothing and everyone is either ready to give up or are going crazy. Six months later, a couple come into town and hear the scream still going. They ask about it but residents think they are crazy and leave.

Opinion: For a horror story it started off really good, but went downhill fast. The mystery was never solved, the only inkling of what happened was a story the mayor heard from his great-grandfather and that story was only mentioned once, discredited and said in an offhand way. Then the ending was abrupt and horrible in my opinion. The blood curdling scream had gone on so long that no one notices it any more and in “Stepford Wife” fashion they ignore any mention of it. Completely forgetting about the poor young woman who has disappeared and is being tortured somewhere.

Recommend: No
The Summoning by Kelley Armstrong

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Overview: Chloe Saunders is a normal fifteen year old girl. She goes to a special art school and lives in an apartment with a housekeeper while her father is away on business. Then one day she starts seeing things, unexplainable things no one else could see. A boy jumps into traffic, and at school she is hunted by a janitor whose face had been melted. Yep Chloe can see ghosts, and her aunt, school and father ship her off to a youth mental facility to be treated for schizophrenia. While there, she meets more kids similar to her and finds out she is special. Becoming threatened with an ominous transfer, she and friends decide to make a break for it, and are betrayed by Chloe’s aunt. With no help in sight and separated from her friends she calls upon a ghost friend to get out.

Opinion: The Summoning is great and engaging. Chloe already feels isolated as her mother has passed and her father is away all the time, plus she is a teenage girl who has yet to enter…womanhood, but now she has to worry about a mental disorder tainting her reputation. Then the ultimate betrayal that no one sees coming? (Well a little predictable but still out there.) It will keep you on the edge of your seat the whole time. It is also a very quick read because you don’t want to put it down.

Recommend: Yes
Graduation Day by Joelle Charbonneau

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Overview: Malencia Vale is tasked by the president of The United Commonwealth to take down those responsible for The Testing, that kills many college applicants annually. Between her studies, security officials after her and the impending rebellion she takes up the quest. Enlisting her boyfriend and a select few of trustworthy friends, they set the plan in motion when an accidental bomb goes off in Cia’s room. As her body count rises, doubts are planted in her head that what she is doing may be wrong and she is just another pawn in the political testing system. Ready to give up, her life is put in danger but saved by one she was supposed to kill. Though her plan goes wrong, the ones marked for death are murdered and she is free to return home as an unhappy student.

Opinion: Good, very good. But the big twist at the end was a bit predictable about half way through, though throughout the series it is hinted at as CIA doesn’t follow her father’s instructions. It lacked a bit in the suspense department, I kept picturing more things going wrong or being betrayed by different people because it seemed to be missing something, something more realistic. Overall, I find it a fitting end and open for more additions to the trilogy.

Recommend: Yes
Avoiding Alpha by Aileen Erin

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Overview: Tess is still learning how to deal with being a witch, werewolf and having a true mate. Her cursed friend Meridith, has found her mate as well but refused him because she is broken. A witch cursed her so she can never transform into wolf form. The refusal of her mate, woke Meredith’s wolf and is now fighting to get out. Due to the high metabolism of wolves and her fighting the curse, Meridith is dying and the only one that can help is Tess. Tess goes to the coven to ask for help but they refuse causing her to try other methods of saving her friend. Being just days away from the full moon and a tribunal to decide her fate, Tess pushes her own survival aside to keep her friend alive.

Opinion: In the span of minutes Tess has a friend go from happy and healthy to deathly sick. In two days Tess and friends do a lot of running around and work to save Meridith. This book is packed from the get go with so much action it is hard to think that only two days pass. I can’t say much for fear of spoilers, but it is awesome and can’t wait to start book 3!

Recommend: Yes!
Dream Student by J.J. DiBenedetto

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Overview: Sara Barnes is a shy and quiet med student worrying over her semester exams when she starts having weird dreams. One involves her being dressed in a cheerleading outfit and falling for the basketball point guard. The others are darker, involving a familiar older man killing girls and dropping them off in a ditch. Deciding she needs to cut loose one night, she goes out to a club with her roommate. Where she finds the boy she dreamed about when she was dressed as a cheerleader. It was love at first sight, and dread as she realized her dress weren’t her own. He dreamed of her and she came to him through the dream. Her worst fear was now about the man killing girls. Her roommate and new boyfriend now search for the killer and a reason as to why she knows him.

Opinion: The three stars actually equate to 2.5, three is just the official number I’m posting on Goodreads. It took the first 35-40% of the book for me to get into it because it was confusing and jumped around a lot. It jumps around all the way through but I guess I became accustomed to it by then. The storyline was good, I just think it was executed poorly. Minor spoiler alert: we never really understand why she is having the dreams. The author attempts to describe it, but it is not stated definitively. The characters just speculate and the idea they come up with is flimsy at best without backup.

Recommend: Maybe…leaning towards no.
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

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Overview: Nick Carrowway moved in next door to a Jay Gatsby, someone no one really knows but more than happy to attend his parties. Daisy is Nick's cousin with a secret, she loves Gatsby. Jay loves Daisy, but she is married to Tom Buchanan who has a married mistress. Nick narrates one summer they spent together, trying to connect or reconnect while hiding secrets. Until one day everything comes to a head and two end up dead.

Opinion: Had to read for a class first off. Secondly why?!?!? Before now, I had never read the book or seen the original movie. I have watched bits and pieces of the Leo DiCaprio version, but could never finish it (it just sucked) so I never knew how it ended. The ending sucks. In general the book seems more about Nick, Tom and Daisy than Jay Gatsby, so when D&T disappear and Nick is left dealing with Gatsby's funeral alone it just feels unfinished. He didn't need to die in the first place. He was more of a side character and did not commit the crime he died for. I just have a problem with the title misleading us, it says The Great Gatsby, but it is more like The Summer of Secrets.

Recommend: Yes