cheesebagel's reviews
218 reviews

Sea of Tranquility by Emily St. John Mandel

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Words are insufficient. This is a masterpiece unlike any other. I am undone.
The Last Wish by Andrzej Sapkowski

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lowkey mistook this for the first book which it isn’t but no matter i have drank the kool aid and am prepared to digest the whole lot
Intermezzo by Sally Rooney

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sally rooney’s best work
At the Pond: Swimming at the Hampstead Ladies' Pond by

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makes me wish I was a little duckling paddling around the pond forever
Crying in H Mart by Michelle Zauner

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if you’re reading this, call your mom
A Room of One's Own by Virginia Woolf

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“Prunes and custard followed. And if anyone complains that prunes, even when mitigated by custard are an uncharitable vegetable (fruit they are not), stringy as a miser’s heart and exuding a fluid such as might run in misers’ veins who have denied themselves wine and warmth for eighty years and yet not given to the poor, he should reflect that there are people whose charity embraces even the prune.”