cheesebagel's reviews
218 reviews

Orlando by Virginia Woolf

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absolutely delightful. I’m becoming a huge fan of virginia woolf’s.
Our Wives Under The Sea by Julia Armfield

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eerie and so elegantly written. I have not encountered many books that make me want to pay such close attention to every line. literally felt like I was coming up for air every time I put it down. 
The Mountains Sing by Nguyễn Phan Quế Mai

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inelegantly written but still a competent and valuable story. when will I learn my lesson when it comes to historical fiction though?
Ferocity by Nicola Lagioia

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not sure why this took me so long to get through. maybe it was the translation. it also ended up being a lot sadder than I expected.
Daddy's Gone A-Hunting by Penelope Mortimer

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god the grip this woman has on me