cheesebagel's reviews
218 reviews

Dept. of Speculation by Jenny Offill

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i realise that not liking this is a me thing. very “want” by lynn steger strong and “second place” by rachel cusk. not my kind of writing style.
The End of the Affair by Graham Greene

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yet another book that I feel unable to rate. a bit tough to get into but ultimately a really interesting and compelling discussion of religion, infidelity, grief, and human connection. 
The Golden Notebook by Doris Lessing

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this book and this character were alive and enthralling. i think a lot of it went over my head, so i can’t rate it, but i loved it and i think i would like to think about it for a long time and then read it again in my thirties.
Second Place by Rachel Cusk

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scroll through the reviews and read the one by Robin who describes rachel cusk as a tightrope walker between genius and pretension. this book had some good moments but made me roll my eyes in annoyance way too many times. had to force myself through to the end of a 207 page book written in big font on pages with lots of white space, so that should tell all.
The Tin Drum by Günter Grass

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wacky but elegant. feels like I read something holy. I’m unworthy of rating this.