catcardoso's reviews
220 reviews

This Savage Song by V.E. Schwab

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4.5 stars* I can’t stop thinking about August and just this book in general I actually feel like this should be more towards a 5 star read just because I haven’t stopped thinking about it ever since I read it and ugh it’s just so good
Steve Jobs: The Exclusive Biography by Walter Isaacson

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3,5/5 I’m normally not that into biographies. I mostly enjoy stories because of their complex characters and the world created around them, but this book is so well written and easy to follow. With all the dialogues it almost didn’t feel like I was reading a biography. Walter Isaacson transports you into Steve’s world and not only captures his life but the lives of those around him as well. It’s a very pure, interesting and educational story that not only leaves you with knowledge about Steve’s business and personal life but also about the period of the rise of modern technology.