catcardoso's reviews
220 reviews

The Museum of Extraordinary Things by Alice Hoffman

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*3,5-4 stars
It’s been quite some time since I’ve read this book yet I don’t know how to feel about it. Whether this is entirely a good thing or rather disappointing, I’m not so sure of. When I started this book I was absolutely blown away by the immersive and beautiful writing, the peculiar setting and interesting characters. It truly felt like magic even in the simplest lines. I genuinely thought this would be my new favourite book.
I can’t quite say I didn’t like this book, because as a matter of factly I was sucked into it right from the start. However, I would be lying if I said I wasn’t a bit disappointed with how the story progressed. Perhaps because it was quite hard to read at times. Perhaps because I thought the protagonists were way more interesting separately than together. Perhaps because it was very real and raw and the cruelty of the world and the historical parts were not what I was expecting this book to be about at all. I wonder if this means the book is incredible precisely because it was so real even when it confronts you with how cruel the world can be and what it’s like to live a life that’s barely yours. It certainly made me feel things and gave me chills. It wasn’t everything I had wished it to be, but I can’t deny that this story is incredibly well written and unlike anything I’ve read before.
Waiting for Spring, Vol. 5 by Anashin

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I honestly can’t stand Aya but it was actually more about their friendship in this volume which I like. I’m really hoping they will be best friends and he stops being so annoying.
Nick and Charlie by Alice Oseman

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super cute and fluffy whilst still capturing serious and important emotions I love nick and charlie so much <3