candacerobinsonauthor's reviews
945 reviews

Valley of the Moon by Bronwyn Archer

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This book was really good. There were some dark and interesting parts. It had suspense and was different from what is out there in the YA field today. I really liked Lana and look forward to reading book two. Review will be up on my blog 6/2/2016
Wicked by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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I have read and loved all of Jennifer's books and Wicked was no different. Wow this was a great start! I really liked the MC Ivy. I felt she was a strong character, and she felt real especially with things that had happened in her past. Don't even get me started on Ren! Totally swoonworthy! He reminded me a little of Aidan from the Covenant series which was great. The romance was spot on, the action was great, and oh man that ending. I can't wait to see more of the fae in the next book. Things are about to really go down. I also loved Tink!!!
Broken Prince by Erin Watt

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Wow!!! This is one of the most addicting series I have ever read! I loved this book! I got some of my answers answered from book 1, but now I have a load of new questions!! The ending to this one holy smokes it seemed like multiple cliffhangers!! I am so thankful I received an ARC of this, but now I am desperately yearning for book 3. Check out the full review on my blog:
Blue Waters by India R. Adams

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Okay so this is one of the best novellas I have ever read. I normally find most novellas to not have enough going on, but this was so good. I loved the characters Whitney, Crash, and Link. I didn't know that a novella could fill me with so many emotions but this one did just that! Full review on my blog at
Black Waters by India R. Adams

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So this novella was from Link's POV, and it goes back to the beginning of book 1. This again didn't seem like a novella and had twists and turns all over the place! I was pretty emotional towards the end of this book. I really really enjoyed the bond between Crash and Link. Full review on my blog at
Stalking Jack the Ripper by Kerri Maniscalco

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I loved this book! I loved the main characters, the time, the atmosphere. I know a lot about Jack the Ripper, and this was a great spin on it. You almost forget that Jack the Ripper was real and these heinous crimes had really occurred. The writing was very well done, and I look forward to seeing more from this author. Full review on my blog
Torn by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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I really liked this sequel. I liked seeing how strong Ivy was and even with everything that happened with her while maybe a little more damaged she is not destroyed. Tink is like my favorite character so freaking hilarious. I got a little annoyed at Ren, but he fixed it! The Prince was an excellent villain. Although the pacing at the beginning was a little slow the rest made up for it. My one complaint is I felt like there was too much name dropping going on. I can't wait for book 3! Full review on my blog
Untamed by A.G. Howard

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Oh how I have missed Morpheus! Full review on my blog
The Beauty of Darkness by Mary E. Pearson

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Loved this book!!! Perfect ending even though I would have liked an epilogue! Full review on my blog
Ruined by Amy Tintera

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This book was freaking amazing! I wasn't sure about reading it because the reviews were pretty mixed, but I loved it! It was fun and dark at the same time, and I loved Amy's writing. Not to mention Cas was my absolute favorite and Em was great as well. I also loved the fact that even though Em is Ruined she doesn't have any special powers like the others. I can't wait for book 2! Full review on my blog