I loved this one a whole lot more. Still could have used a little bit of the push back people but I still enjoyed this one far more than the first. More later
So 4+ stars but not quite 5 for me and I'll be back for a more extensive but I do wish that this had dipped into a little of how some people don't believe the victim. This kind of went the everything is perfect route but usually and especially in towns and high school/college realms it gets pretty bad for the victim and while I didn't want it to dive deep but to have touched on it a little would have been great too. I'll be back!
That's wild. She was cold blooded, but does that mean the other one was cold too because she allowed all that to go on while she knew and just say there watching. Honestly it's a bunch of dishonest raggedy people in this book and I don't feel bad for any of them. Sam though. Coming through in a clutch. Said oh no you don't. Just forgot all about him huh. Wild. Not a review yet just my random 🤔💭
I'm swaying between whether or not I like this book. It's a lot going on and it felt congested and I understand why it was done this way but it really was just jam packed. Racism, whatever is going on with Liz, then Jack and the police. I understood where Erin was going and at the end it all fits properly, but going through made me want to DNF more times than I care to admit. It gave me like black trauma but not so much.
Maybe because I just don't understand if this also about a shape shifter in the end or it isn't? Y'all know how I feel about time jumping and while this wasn't so much time jumping as much as...yes it was. Hah see this got me all over the place and I don't like being this flustered at the end of my book.
Now for the things I like when I break it down. As much as I disliked her all over the place. I liked Liz in setting up boundaries and knowing how to put her foot down. The slow realizations what relationships in her life actually were. Her relationship with Mel. That doesn't mean I liked Mel. I actually loathed Mel because I know people like Mel and that feeling her character brings and Liz understanding where she stands is why I liked their relationship. The realization.
Caroline. I loved that she was a little girl but she represented how much little girls actually understand and take in. She represented how strong little black girls actually have to be starting so young and how if her mom hadn't been her mom she wouldn't have gotten nearly as much attention. That final interview with her explains how much she REALLY understood.
The nursery rhyme... Don't answer. Don't look. My favorite part in the entire book was the scene between Jack and I honestly can't remember which little girl but
Jack: Why don't you look at me?! Girl: Mommy says face your fears, Daddy says ignore it. I've seen all the people that come in here look at you and run out screaming so I'll do the opposite.
I don't know how I feel about the book, but for me that part was important. I'm going to give it 3.5⭐ and let it simmer for a bit and maybe I'll change my mind for higher or lower.