I really enjoyed this story. If you've watched Once Upon a Time, it feels like that Snow White vs the Disney version. The only thing I wish had happened sooner was the twist of "What if the Evil Queen poisoned the prince instead?" It came very late in the story but everything else was enjoyable and I enjoyed having a backstory of how the evil queen came to power.
This book far exceeded my expectations. The book focuses so much on the main character's thoughts and actions. His motivations and what drives him forward. Not usually what you find in the extreme horror genre. The world created is great with many terrible and terrifying creatures within it.
I love all the puzzles but unless I sit down and do all the puzzles right away I'll never remember the bigger plot line. I do love the detectives though.
Clive Barker manages to fit so much into a short novella. There is so many themes in this book. It has graphic imagery to go along with it but the themes are what the story is truly about.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
This is a wonderful collection of short stories from Aron Beauregard, Daniel J. Volpe and Kristopher Triana. The last section is Christmas theme which was so much fun! Its very graphic so don't say you weren't warned.
This was truly an unexpected story flow from Junji Ito. The story went in a direction that I wasn't expecting based on the few things you hear about the story and iconic images used to reference the story. However, it is very much a deep dive into fear, paranoia, human nature, survival and an interesting concept of supernatural/cosmic horror. The artwork is amazing and I love the main character and how she deals with the story that is unfolding in front of her and what she encounters.
It won't be for every horror fan as it is more character and story driven, but it does feature disturbing images and body horror. Overall, I liked it, but it did have some slow parts that made it a bit of a challenge to get through, but that is often the case with cosmic horror.
This was an interesting and different sort of novel for Daryl. I'd only read his Dreamwood Isle books before and this one was different but still awesome. Scandal and secrets always make for a good time. A definite must read if you like M/M romance and Daryl Banner's fun stories.
Not my favorite of the collections. The Lovesickness was good and was the first of the longer stories I read, but it wasn't anything super grand. I am also not a fan of the Hikizuri Siblings as I just find them annoying.
Still a good read but not the favorite of the ones I've read. Still a must read for Ito fans :)
This had a good amount of great stories but some of them are ones he based on other stories, which isn't a bad thing but they didn't have his style of horror story telling. However, the one does contain The Human Chair which is a great story and it's a good collection for body horror.