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bonitazivot's reviews
72 reviews
Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer
You know what, I wrote a 5 star review of this 10 years ago but 17-year-old me was wrong. This is not the best book I've ever read, not even close!
Although the movie Into The Wild has absolutely changed my life, the book was no more than average, something I didn't dare to admit all those years ago.
At times, it seemed all over the place, and although it's supposed to be about Christopher McCandless, multiple chapters detail stories of other travelers. Even our writer, Jon Krakauer, kidnapped multiple parts of the story to tell his own. Somehow I found that a bit... disrespectful?
Anyway, don't see this review as a reason not to read the book. The writing was beautiful and it gave great insight in both Christopher's life as well as how his mindset lead to his unfortunate ending. 3.5 stars for this one.
Would recommend, but just gotta say it: the movie is better.
Although the movie Into The Wild has absolutely changed my life, the book was no more than average, something I didn't dare to admit all those years ago.
At times, it seemed all over the place, and although it's supposed to be about Christopher McCandless, multiple chapters detail stories of other travelers. Even our writer, Jon Krakauer, kidnapped multiple parts of the story to tell his own. Somehow I found that a bit... disrespectful?
Anyway, don't see this review as a reason not to read the book. The writing was beautiful and it gave great insight in both Christopher's life as well as how his mindset lead to his unfortunate ending. 3.5 stars for this one.
Would recommend, but just gotta say it: the movie is better.
Hersenschimmen by J. Bernlef
Dit is, zonder twijfel, het mooiste boek dat ik ooit gelezen heb!
De schrijfstijl maakte het onmogelijk het boek weg te leggen en de details waren tot in perfectie doordacht.
Bernlef liet de ziekte Alzheimer zien vanuit een uniek perspectief, pijnlijk maar ontzettend mooi om te lezen. Heb zeker meerdere malen zitten huilen!
Ik denk nu, jaren na de eerste keer dat ik het boek las, nog altijd terug aan dit boek. Heb âm intussen al een keer of 3 gelezen en raad het boek ten zeerste aan iedereen aan!
De schrijfstijl maakte het onmogelijk het boek weg te leggen en de details waren tot in perfectie doordacht.
Bernlef liet de ziekte Alzheimer zien vanuit een uniek perspectief, pijnlijk maar ontzettend mooi om te lezen. Heb zeker meerdere malen zitten huilen!
Ik denk nu, jaren na de eerste keer dat ik het boek las, nog altijd terug aan dit boek. Heb âm intussen al een keer of 3 gelezen en raad het boek ten zeerste aan iedereen aan!
Enkele reis by Marelle Boersma
Ik volgde de case van Madeleine McCann al jaren, dus toen ik dit boek, geïnspireerd door de case, tegenkwam, was ik direct geïnteresseerd.
Ik vond dit boek echt ontzettend spannend om te lezen en de schrijfstijl was aangrijpend, maar het einde viel me eerlijk gezegd een beetje tegen. Ik weet niet precies wat ik had verwacht, misschien slecht nieuws of geen nieuws?
Ik raad het boek alsnog aan, ik kon 'm nauwelijks neerleggen! Topper voor als je op vakantie gaat.
Ik vond dit boek echt ontzettend spannend om te lezen en de schrijfstijl was aangrijpend, maar het einde viel me eerlijk gezegd een beetje tegen. Ik weet niet precies wat ik had verwacht, misschien slecht nieuws of geen nieuws?
Ik raad het boek alsnog aan, ik kon 'm nauwelijks neerleggen! Topper voor als je op vakantie gaat.
Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer
I'm currently re-reading the Twilight saga after 10 years and honestly, I had completely forgotten about the third book because it's just so damn boring! Back then I gave it a 6/10 and... I have questions for my past self.
Edward just had such a creep factor hanging over him in the first half of the book, not letting Bella visit Jacob and going to the extremes of breaking her car and bribing his sister into 'kidnapping' her. Bella even said at some point that she felt like he was too controlling and borderline psychotic, yet she let him do it because she loved him. Stockholm syndrome, anyone?
He did turn out okay again in the end but speaking of creep factor: Jacob picked up right where Edward had left off. Have you heard of the word NO? You can't just go around kissing people against their will, and everything that happened after is just not okay. Not to mention: Bella's dad, an actual cop, cheered on his behavior? Just... what the heck?
The worst development was Bella though. First, she agrees to marriage and starts begging for the D. Then she begs Jacob to kiss her and suddenly is smitten with him, only to break his heart after. She pisses me off, claiming to want Edward but then rejecting marriage like it's the worst thing that could happen to her. Make up your mind, kid!
The sad part about this book is the realization that the fun, quirky relationship Edward and Bella seemed to have in the first book is gone and any potential this series may have had, went with it. I feel like this book was a compilation of Stephenie's notes on how to say 'I'll love you forever' in a hundred dramatic ways, combined with Edward's weird behavior, Bella's selfishness and Jacob being a lovestruck puppy. A proper storyline? We don't know her. The amount of pages could've been cut in half if she just got to the damn point.
Anyway... I had a hard time getting through this one and just simply did NOT want to read anymore. At this point I just want the series to be over with. 2/10 for this one.
Edward just had such a creep factor hanging over him in the first half of the book, not letting Bella visit Jacob and going to the extremes of breaking her car and bribing his sister into 'kidnapping' her. Bella even said at some point that she felt like he was too controlling and borderline psychotic, yet she let him do it because she loved him. Stockholm syndrome, anyone?
He did turn out okay again in the end but speaking of creep factor: Jacob picked up right where Edward had left off. Have you heard of the word NO? You can't just go around kissing people against their will, and everything that happened after is just not okay. Not to mention: Bella's dad, an actual cop, cheered on his behavior? Just... what the heck?
The worst development was Bella though. First, she agrees to marriage and starts begging for the D. Then she begs Jacob to kiss her and suddenly is smitten with him, only to break his heart after. She pisses me off, claiming to want Edward but then rejecting marriage like it's the worst thing that could happen to her. Make up your mind, kid!
The sad part about this book is the realization that the fun, quirky relationship Edward and Bella seemed to have in the first book is gone and any potential this series may have had, went with it. I feel like this book was a compilation of Stephenie's notes on how to say 'I'll love you forever' in a hundred dramatic ways, combined with Edward's weird behavior, Bella's selfishness and Jacob being a lovestruck puppy. A proper storyline? We don't know her. The amount of pages could've been cut in half if she just got to the damn point.
Anyway... I had a hard time getting through this one and just simply did NOT want to read anymore. At this point I just want the series to be over with. 2/10 for this one.
De kleine blonde dood by Boudewijn Büch
Voor een boek genaamd naar de kleine blonde jongen van Boudewijn, wordt er verdomd weinig over hem gesproken. Mooi boek wel, veel geleerd over oorlogstrauma, maar een stuk minder over Micky. 3 sterren voor dit boek.
De donkere kamer van Damokles by Willem Frederik Hermans
I first read this book as part of a school project, but quickly became obsessed. We received the book either with a red or a green cover and were asked to answer if Osewoudt was a hero or a villain.
The title of the book is your first hint: Damocles refers to the sword of Damocles (aka with great power comes great danger). The darkroom refers to events in the book (obviously). A genius choice for a title if you ask me.
The book itself plays into the Second World War, the choices people tend to make and the moral compass. It asks the questions: What makes you a hero and are you the one pulling the strings or the puppet?
Besides that, the book questions what is real in times of fear and makes you wonder if Osewoudt's side of the story was just a story he made up in his head.
I re-read the book recently (about 10 years later), to see if I still had the same opinion. Surprisingly I did! I won't spoil you by telling you my point of view, but challenge you to find the answers between the lines.
Osewoudt: hero, villain or simply insane?
The title of the book is your first hint: Damocles refers to the sword of Damocles (aka with great power comes great danger). The darkroom refers to events in the book (obviously). A genius choice for a title if you ask me.
The book itself plays into the Second World War, the choices people tend to make and the moral compass. It asks the questions: What makes you a hero and are you the one pulling the strings or the puppet?
Besides that, the book questions what is real in times of fear and makes you wonder if Osewoudt's side of the story was just a story he made up in his head.
I re-read the book recently (about 10 years later), to see if I still had the same opinion. Surprisingly I did! I won't spoil you by telling you my point of view, but challenge you to find the answers between the lines.
Osewoudt: hero, villain or simply insane?