A review by bonitazivot
De donkere kamer van Damokles by Willem Frederik Hermans


I first read this book as part of a school project, but quickly became obsessed. We received the book either with a red or a green cover and were asked to answer if Osewoudt was a hero or a villain.

The title of the book is your first hint: Damocles refers to the sword of Damocles (aka with great power comes great danger). The darkroom refers to events in the book (obviously). A genius choice for a title if you ask me.

The book itself plays into the Second World War, the choices people tend to make and the moral compass. It asks the questions: What makes you a hero and are you the one pulling the strings or the puppet?

Besides that, the book questions what is real in times of fear and makes you wonder if Osewoudt's side of the story was just a story he made up in his head.

I re-read the book recently (about 10 years later), to see if I still had the same opinion. Surprisingly I did! I won't spoil you by telling you my point of view, but challenge you to find the answers between the lines.

Osewoudt: hero, villain or simply insane?