berrynee's reviews
201 reviews

The Hating Game by Sally Thorne

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4 stars.

The Hating Game by Sally Thorne was a nice read. The first half of the book had set my expectations very high since I skimmed through the pages so so fast, curious about what's going to happen next. But then the second half happened and I lost all my interest. I had to force myself to flip some of the pages. I was so bored I thought I was about to die from yawning so much.

Don't get me wrong there were some pretty good moments in this book but it was all balanced with the bad ones. I can't get over the fact that Lucy's height was mentioned so many times. It was as if the author was trying to drill it into my head how tiny and fragile she is compared to Josh. That detail alone made me want to rip all my hair from my head. Ugh.

I had a hard time deciding if a 4 star rating is too high but in the end I decided that it's not.
I'm definitely never going to re-read this book but I'm also not going to remember it as a total disaster because, as I stated before, I did like the first part of the book so I'm just going to pretend like the other half doesn't even exist.