i used to think my standards were high enough. i would think couldn't be surpassed. that was before i read the love hypothesis.
it contained all of my favourite tropes
grumpy and sunshine
"one" bed scene - i almost choked (romcoms - haha)
age gap (acceptable)
he hates everyone but her...
adam fucking carlsen is the ideal boyfriend. i'll leave it at that
and now i need to write down my favourite quotes, so i don't forget them (not that it would happen anytime soon)
i love when a book has a specific sentence or word, that when i think of... it just reminds me of the book instantly. here's theirs: you are such a smart-ass.
"you don't have to." "i know" "you really don't have to-" "i want to "
"i don't need you to hold my hand. since i'm not going." except that he was going.
the more i mention an attachment in an email, the less likely i will be to actually include said attachment.
his mouth twitched. "maybe you just pull out the best in me?" she grinned. "then maybe i should stick around."
"you're both crazy in love, and over the moon about it."
"carry yourself with the confidence of a mediocre white man."
his calm acceptance of her anxiety had the exact opposite effect of dr. arlan's enthusiasm: it relaxed her.
"why are you doing this?" "because i can." (ughh.)
you just had to go and make me fall for you, she thought, blinking against his skin. you absolute ass.
"can you walk in these shoes?"
it wasn't their first kiss, but it was the first kiss that was theirs.
i'm starting to wonder if this is what being in love is. being okay with ripping yourself to shreds, so the other person can stay whole.
"ol, i've seen the way he looks at you. he's head over feet."
"i'm going to kill you," he gritted out, little more than a growl. "if you say another word about the woman i love, if you look at her, if you even think about her - i'm going to fucking kill you." "adam-" tom choked out. "actually, i will kill you anyway."
"i am going to take care of this," he told her. "there was something determined, earnest in his eyes. olive had never felt safer, or more loved. "and then i'll come find you, and i'll take care of you." (feminism leaving my body)
"i should have never trusted him with you. i'm sorry." he said it - "with you" - like olive was something special, uniquely precious to him. his most beloved treasure. it made her want to shiver, and laugh, and weep at the same time. it made her happy and confused.
CHAPTER 16 & 17 -
let's just say that i wasn't aware of the fact that it had a sex scene to begin with. but maybe that's what made the reading experience even better.
in my opinion, it is not easy to write sex scenes that are not too much. ali hazelwood nailed that.
it felt natural, not forced; i was aggressively throwing my hands - refused to believe it would end up badly (hiihi)
the easiest 5 stars ever. i don't think i've ever been so immersed in a book. i still can't believe it, the book must have cast a spell on me! the first book I stayed up until 1:00 in the morning to read + i wrote out 2 highlighters! roller coaster. absolutely brilliant!
My humble analysis
I feel like I need to analyze the characters as they were all so perfectly written (so it can help me move on). The whole point of the book is to show how toxic they are together. They fit like puzzles yet still there is one extra piece. There was too much of everything. Too many ideas, too many brains, too many dreams.
Daisy - Let me start with this rock and roll icon. She is described as the "reckless, tough and wild" woman. She is more than that. A talented song-writer, neglected daughter, unappreciated wife, loving friend, desperate lover and also struggling drug addict. She is dealing with drug addiction the whole book. It has a big affect on her personal and work life as it is the reason of many troubles. I first found Daisy cool, then toxic, then I felt sorry for her and then, proud. Everything worked out for her.
Billy - Ha. Daisy's other toxic half. No, I'm kidding. Actually, I am not. Billy is the band's lead singer (later, along with Daisy). He is proud, stubborn and inconsiderate. Everything has to be as he wants. Billy rarely gives someone else a chance to express themselves. Then Daisy comes along and things change dramatically, they're at each other's throats. He also struggles with addiction, however, unlike Daisy, Billy has a caring friend Teddy and a loving woman by his side. Camila, his wife, is the one who kept him together. He also has a brother, Graham, who plays the guitar.
Camila - The ultimate hero of this book! Not only did she save Billy, she also saved Daisy, Karen's sanity... She raised three kids (basically) by herself. She travelled with the band. She never gave up on Billy. She was there for him no matter what. She truly saved his life. Camila deserved all the love in the world, which she after all, received.
Karen and Graham - I was rooting for them! Karen and Graham have complicated relationship. He was always into her, she was never really into him. When they start sleeping together, Graham starts to imagine a bright future with his lover. However, Karen is unexpectedly pregnant. Motherhood is not her dream, she wishes to be a rock-star. It all comes crashing down when after their fight. They both want something different, together they had no chance of a future together where they would both be happy.
Eddie - An asshole, but I get it. He wanted to be appreciated, he wanted to be seen. Billy didn't let that happen.
Warren - The funniest and most random character.
I wish someone had told me that love isn’t torture. Because I thought love was this thing that was supposed to tear you in two and leave you heartbroken and make your heart race in the worst way. I thought love was bombs and tears and blood. I did not know that it was supposed to make you lighter, not heavier. I didn’t know it was supposed to take only the kind of work that makes you softer. I thought love was war. I didn’t know it was supposed to… I didn’t know it was supposed to be peace.” - Daisy
the reason i gave the book such a high rating is that despite my (in the beginning not so great) enthusiasm, i could see myself in nesta. during those initially endless 750 pages, i really grew to like and love nesta. maas did that.
qnd cassian? the biggest sweetheart. it was hard not to whine sometimes and despair that i probably won't find a man like that for a while.