This book is so creative and the world is cool, but so much exposition is delivered clumsily and there is no real driving conflict besides waiting for a thing to happen. Characters are misused and under-characterized so much that it brought me to actual anger.
I went in with such high hopes, and by the end I did not like it.
This is not well written. The premise is interesting up to a point, but the tone until the last 20% is just Kindle Unlimited Terrible Romance Book (that actually is just SA). In fact I checked the genre multiple times while reading because I too felt like I was losing my mind waiting for the horror/suspense plot to kick in.
Some of the hallucinations are well done and lead up to the conclusion fairly well but everything good about it is decapitated by the unserious and shallow tone of the rest of the story.
Also, I read the sentence “I read your Welcome Packet” far too many times. And what exactly is her role?? She wrote the diplomatic manual but also apparently knows how to repair an entire communication array? huh??
I kept renewing my Libby loan thinking I would surely finish it this week but I just never cared to go back to it.
There are interesting concepts presented here but I couldn’t make myself care about any of the characters. In fact, one side character who never becomes important in the amount that I read is sooo fascinating to me but we don’t get to know them at all!!
I also think the pacing wasn’t working out for me, I think it’s meant to be this stressful mystery but by the time we learn certain things it’s been so long and I don’t care anymore. I just wasn’t invested by 63% and I give up.
This book is a marvel. Beautiful storytelling about community and connection and how the world and people around us shape us. I love the way Griffith builds worlds, like she’s sitting within them and describing everything she’s feeling.