aamie's reviews
285 reviews

House of Sky and Breath by Sarah J. Maas

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AHHH so cliffhanger   I really like the whole found family / pack vibe. Interesting how Danika is still the catalyst for everything 
House of Earth and Blood by Sarah J. Maas

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I loved it. So good. Truly a high fantasy and I really felt the connection between the characters. Tears for the ending 😭   Danika and Bryce are truly soulmates. I really liked how it was heist adventure vibes for a bit too and the political intrigue, major cast of characters and plot twists and diff pov from diff characters. Really like the witch queen 
Where the Library Hides by Isabel Ibañez

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A nice ending. A good duopoly very interesting. Some things were a bit crazy but I appreciate the detail (which she explains in the authors note) and I love Whit and Inez !! V cute and would like more set in this universe
What the River Knows by Isabel Ibañez

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WHY DID IT END ON A CLIFF HANGER?! WHAT. I got super into the story and love the illustrations, accuracy and detail. NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS NEXT
Ruthless Vows by Rebecca Ross

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All in one sitting! I love Roman and Iris and I put off reading this for so long bc I wanted to savour it and I did. Wasn’t as purely utterly romantic as the first book but it pulled on my heart, kept me intrigued with the action, political drama, longing and tension. 
A Novel Love Story by Ashley Poston

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I was a bit confused at times but I love Ashley Poston and I loved this book too. Such a good premise and so entertaining and endearing. Truly does make you think and reflect on reading, books, love and life and chasing your dreams. 
Don't You Forget About Me by Mhairi McFarlane

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So cute and love and Irish accent. I love that her books have some darker / more realistic and jaded characters that aren’t perfect with fluffy backstories. It feels real and gritty and I was definitely smiling while listening at work!
The Teller of Small Fortunes by Julie Leong

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So cute and so heartwarming! Definitely such cosy fantasy and I loved it. Really emotional and such a good found family and good vibes I loved it and the adventure and intrigue and wow so good! Got really invested after 40% in, but slower at the start bc took some time to get used to the writing style but such a cool concept, world and I’m definitely interested in learning more about Shinara and Eshtera and the other lands in this world. 
Reckless by Lauren Roberts

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DID not like that ending but have since realised it’s a trilogy so fineeeee
but wtf do u mean kitt proposed to her nahhhh and Kai is just giving up? Nahhhhh. Fully thought that was the end of the series tho and did not like that
this book reminded me of Deft the Night book 2 tho I don’t rlly like the 2nd book being constantly on the run or journeying to a new location but the fights scenes and tension were good in this. Just don’t remember a lot of smaller details between all the other books in this series.