a_reader_obsessed's reviews
3108 reviews

The Weight Of Living by thecomedownchampion, thecomedownchampion

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This was an eloquent, almost lyrically written fic that tells, more than shows, the story of Stiles's revelations about many things. He's changed from the nogitsune nightmare and no one can really help him and no one seems to get it except Derek. Seamlessly Derek becomes a safe place for Stiles and as they spend more time together not dealing, not really doing anything but being and healing - they obviously and inevitably come to realize there's more to their platonic friendship.

Quiet and understated, this packs an impressive punch on the feels. I seriously need 300 more pages of exactly this kind of storytelling.
Chances Are by RelenaFanel

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Adore to See Your Eyes Fly by 1001cranes

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Warning. This is psycho dark and disturbing.

Having said that, Derek's love might be pathological but it is no less real or intense or absolutely vital to his being because of it. Kudos to him. He's a master manipulator and quite the charmer with infinite patience and impressive control (when he puts his mind to it).

I admit I was shocked and devastated at a crucial point in the story but …. *shakes head* just as entranced and under Derek's powerful spell - just like Stiles, who is in absolute awe and trapped when he doesn't even know he's caught.
Beltane by DevilDoll

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4.5 Stars

I can safely say that everything I've ever read from DevilDoll has been pretty darn awesome and this was no different.

Here, Derek's self loathing is at an all time high; so much so that he has kept his feelings for Stiles hidden because he doesn't think he's worthy of it. When his life is at stake, truths are revealed and Derek realizes that he should have had a little faith.

So if you like destined love, epic love - then this dense novella should make you extremely happy. Angsty and sexy, the only bad thing about this was that it's not long enough.
Flint & Tinder by Grimm (AO3)

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Be the Life of the Party by Mimiminaj

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I have mixed feelings about this which isn't necessarily a bad thing. I'm just saying to me, this was almost two separate fics.

On one hand you have basically the good feels you get from a classic high school Sterek. Endearingly sweet, funny, fluff as Stiles pines for broody Derek and of course slowly wears him down with his rapid fire charm.

Then it flips a switch and they're going at it with barely a build up. Wait, what?

So I was entertained and had fun, and later I was treated to dessert when I hadn't even had dinner yet. And one can't really complain about dessert, so I won't look a gift horse in the mouth.
What It Means to Stay by alocalband

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3.5 Stars

If SRAL's review didn't convince you here's another quote.

"Derek was promised by three different soccer moms and an over-worked Vice Principal that this was the best daycare facility in the county. But when Stiles looks up to meet Derek's eyes from across the field and then promptly trips over absolutely nothing and falls on his ass in the sandbox, Derek starts to wonder if he's been had."

Sweet, tender fluff intermixed with some sexy angst - I only wish it was as long and developed as DILF.
The Shortest Distance Between Two Points by decideophobia

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Under Your Skin by Lenore (AO3)

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Anteocularis by Aravis

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