a_reader_obsessed's reviews
3108 reviews

Dragon's Breath by Trilliath

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Help Wanted by Jebiwonkenobi

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Ok I really liked this fic. But at the same time I felt like it ended before it got started and I'm frustrated!! Arrggghhh!

Here Stiles is especially sharp, instinctively knowing how to handle Derek, knows when to push, when to back off and really offering what Derek needs despite his resistance on all fronts.

This definitely has a bit of off brand humor but it works. It also has some good feels and what I mean by that are feels that hit you a little harder than usual. Derek's melancholy self is particularly harsh and introspective. Stiles's feelings are resilient despite them getting trampled on time and again.

So yes this is another fine example showing the gradual, eventual, inevitable Stiles, wearing down self proclaimed I'm-not-worthy-of-love-or-happiness Derek Hale, and it was genius and different and I'm still pissed that it ended right when it got good!
A Life Less Ordinary by Jebiwonkenobi

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This perfectly shows the push pull of Derek and Stiles - their reluctance, their resistance, their inevitable feelings that form despite the deflection and denial.

How do you say something was exceedingly smart and witty and captures our beloved guys in a comforting but still refreshing way?? Through a series of events Stiles grudgingly comes to realize some things; Derek is humanized not idolized. Every tidbit of info that Stiles learns about him gets emblazoned in his brain. He can't let it go and it infuriates him.

Derek's pathos is especially severe and the self loathing is extreme here. God forbid though that either one of them admits to having feelings - feelings other than exasperation, annoyance, anger, and frustration.

As always and thankfully, these boys do pull their head out of their asses - eventually. If only we could have witnessed that first coming together and ultimately, them reuniting and making up. THAT would have been the extra icing on a cake that was already fabulous.
Cherrybomb by the_deep_magic

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Eyebrows and the Scientific Method by DiscontentedWinter

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Stiles Stilinski is a lying liar who lies by DiscontentedWinter

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Hyper Heart Alone by hito (AO3)

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Last Night's Dress by hito (AO3)

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There is a Brotherhood by minusoneday

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This was fun, just like most any other high school/college Sterek AU out there.

What starts off as simple fraternity pranking, escalates into a one-upmanship between Derek and Stiles. Be prepared for plenty of glee, lust, and self doubt.

Things are about to get personal fast... *wink, wink*

Easy reading that was funny with flirty light smex! There's a companion fic in Derek's POV if you're interested.
Your Lifelong Membership is Free by minusoneday

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Derek is sooooo screwed. He's fallen for Stiles and doesn't know how to proceed.

This is the companion fic to [b:There is a Brotherhood|17152050|There is a Brotherhood (The Noble Tie That Binds, #1)|minusoneday|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1412889416s/17152050.jpg|23569460] and you could probably read either and be perfectly fine - it just depends on if you want Stiles's or Derek's pov.

Because this was in Derek's pov, I liked this version better. His grumpiness turns into grudging respect and admiration for Stiles's smarts, as their frats compete in a prank war.

Of course Derek notices Stiles's other "attributes" and in his own surly, awkward way, sets out to woo him. Again this was fun and funny with a sprinkling of smex!