A review by highvoltagegrrl
The Virgin Diet: Drop 7 Foods, Lose 7 Pounds, Just 7 Days by J.J. Virgin


ARC reviewed by Jessica for Book Sake.
Book Received: For free from publisher in exchange for an honest review.

I wanted to read this book because of the information about food intolerances. As a child I was told I was allergic to milk, as an adult I was told that I’m allergic to over 70 different things. I still suffer from acne, daily sniffling, and migraines no matter what I try or how much medicine I take. While this is a diet book, and I do hope to shed a few extra pounds, it isn’t the main reason for my attraction to the book. I’m not considered overweight, but I’d like to lose 10 pounds and get back to my pre-hypothyroidism weight. I would like to address all the “minor”, but annoying health problems I have. I’ve heard before that cutting out dairy would help with the constant runny nose or being stuffed up (it’s always one or the other) and with my acne. After reading this book and the reason’s behind cutting out 7 food products, I really want to try this diet. And I will. This will force me to pay more attention to what I am putting into my body and I’m hoping along the way I will find that there is something I eat that triggers my skin to break out and triggers my allergies. (I drink almond milk, so it’s not just that, but I do eat cheese and yogurt!)

While I can’t review the book on whether or not it worked for me, as I haven’t tried the diet for 21 days as of yet, I can say that all of the information is presented in a way that I will remember it. It is effective at answering “why” to all of these different foods and JJ Virgin seems to legitimately know her stuff. As a nurse I tend to look at all medical information with a more critical eye than I used to and there were a number of things that I wanted to double check that JJ mentions in her book. My review of these subjects turned up the same information as she stated, so I know that she isn’t just trying to sell us a new fad diet.

From the way I see it, this diet is a change for life. You limit certain things for 21 days and then start to add some back in to see if you have an intolerance to it. You don’t have to cut out everything for life, but you will know if there is something that you should do that with. The foods she mentions cutting out as much as possible, she gives good reasons for, and there aren’t many of them. But it will force you to look at what you are putting in your body instead of mindlessly eating.