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Every book chosen and read by the Ink Drinkers Book Club.
To say I'm eternally greatful for this mess of fellow Chaptor Maggots is an understatement.
A new book will be added every 2 weeks when the next book club pick is revealed.
To say I'm eternally greatful for this mess of fellow Chaptor Maggots is an understatement.
A new book will be added every 2 weeks when the next book club pick is revealed.
Ink Drinkers Book Club
8 participants (34 books)
Every book chosen and read by the Ink Drinkers Book Club.
To say I'm eternally greatful for this mess of fellow Chaptor Maggots is an understatement.
A new book will be added every 2 weeks when the next book club pick is revealed.
To say I'm eternally greatful for this mess of fellow Chaptor Maggots is an understatement.
A new book will be added every 2 weeks when the next book club pick is revealed.
Challenge Books
The Silent Patient
Alex Michaelides
Not an official book club book but a book that has been read by a lot of our members and highly recommended.
A Thousand Boy Kisses
Tillie Cole
Not an official book club book but this was passed around the club from member to member.