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Every book chosen and read by the Ink Drinkers Book Club.
To say I'm eternally greatful for this mess of fellow Chaptor Maggots is an understatement.
A new book will be added every 2 weeks when the next book club pick is revealed.
To say I'm eternally greatful for this mess of fellow Chaptor Maggots is an understatement.
A new book will be added every 2 weeks when the next book club pick is revealed.
Ink Drinkers Book Club
8 participants (34 books)
Every book chosen and read by the Ink Drinkers Book Club.
To say I'm eternally greatful for this mess of fellow Chaptor Maggots is an understatement.
A new book will be added every 2 weeks when the next book club pick is revealed.
To say I'm eternally greatful for this mess of fellow Chaptor Maggots is an understatement.
A new book will be added every 2 weeks when the next book club pick is revealed.
Challenge Books
The Butterfly Garden
Dot Hutchison
Not an official book club book but bit by bit it seems to be that every member read this.
Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow
Gabrielle Zevin
Not an official book club book, but a chunk of the group have read it and its been discussed at meetings
A Demon's Guide to Wooing a Witch
Sarah Hawley
Sequel to a book club book
Fourth Wing
Rebecca Yarros
Not an official book club book but a much read book among members
The Diary of a Bookseller
Shaun Bythell
Unofficial book club book
Shadow of Night
Deborah Harkness
Sequel to a book club book
The Book of Life
Deborah Harkness
Sequel to a book club book
Half a Soul
Olivia Atwater
Unofficial book club book
Days of Blood and Starlight
Laini Taylor
Sequel to book club pick