
Chicken Soup for the Soul - Export Edition by Mark Victor Hansen, Jack Canfield

wwilson32's review against another edition

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emotional funny hopeful inspiring lighthearted sad fast-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? N/A
  • Strong character development? N/A
  • Loveable characters? N/A
  • Diverse cast of characters? N/A
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? N/A


awexis's review against another edition

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I love the different stories inside this book. I have the paperback and I always re-read them back when I was in College. It always teared me up whenever I read these heartwarming stories.

anna_tbanana's review against another edition

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The reason I wanted to read this book is because I remember enjoying a book from this series as a teen. I remember wanting to read every book in this series.

Reading it now? I'm not so sure. These are nice stories, but I don't really gain anything more from them than a small smile.

I feel that this book would not be as popular if it came out in the 21st century because it lacks cynicism. I don't even find it that helpful or reassuring in a global pandemic.

The 'Live your dreams' section irritated me the most. I feel that this book belongs in the era of 'The American Dream' where anyone can do anything. Now, I've realised that due to socioeconomic factors this is a lie.

Perhaps this is an overanalysis of a book that is just meant to share nice stories, but there you go.

vewokie's review against another edition

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I gave this book 4 stars because I really did enjoy it. The stories are very touching and even more so because you know they're real stories, not made up.
Sometimes they make you giggle and sometimes you'll cry because they just touch you. Many of them had a pretty specific message for me and was a great read.
You could fit in a story during a 5 minute break.

hiba59's review against another edition

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I couldn't get myself to sleep before finishing up all of the stories included in this book, it was an amazing experience, and I'm really thankful to the professor who had recommended it to me, it's a book that holds in it that hope that we all need to reassure us that there's still beauty and goodness out there waiting to be discovered, that within ourselves are hold much more capacities than we think we have.
I think that this book should be read by every soul longing to peace and divine beauty.

sushritha_d's review against another edition

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A book that makes you think, makes you cry, Changes you to a better human.

shellyk51's review against another edition

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Inspirational tales to soothe your soul.

epictetsocrate's review against another edition

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Când tata vorbea cu mine, întotdeauna începea cu „Ţi-am spus astăzi cât de mult te iubesc?” Sentimentul de dragoste a fost reciproc şi, în ultimii săi ani, pentru că viaţa sa părea vizibil că se afla în ultima fază, am devenit şi mai apropiaţi... dacă se putea aşa ceva.
La vârsta de 82 de ani el era gata să moară, şi eu eram pregătit să-l las să plece de lângă mine, pentru a nu-i mai prelungi suferinţa. Am râs şi am plâns, ne-am ţinut de mâini şi ne-am spus unul altuia cât de mult ne iubim şi am căzut de acord că îi venise sorocul. I-am spus, „Tată, după ce nu vei mai fi, să-mi dai un semn că eşti bine”. A râs de absurditatea cererii mele. Tata nu credea în viaţa după moarte. Nici eu nu pot să spun că eram prea convins, dar trecusem prin mai multe situaţii care m-au făcut să cred că poţi primi nişte semne „de pe lumea cealaltă”.
Tatăl meu şi cu mine eram atât de profund legaţi, încât am simţit atacul de inimă în propriul meu piept în momentul în care a murit. Mai târziu am jelit la gândul că cei din spital, în înţelepciunea lor sterilă, nu m-au lăsat să-l ţin de mână atunci când şi-a dat ultima răsuflare.
Zi după zi mă rugam să aud ceva de la el, dar nimic nu s-a întâmplat. Noapte după noapte m-am rugat pentru un vis înainte de a adormi. Şi totuşi au trecut patru luni lungi în care nu am auzit şi nu am simţit altceva decât durere pentru pierderea suferită. Mama murise cu cinci ani înainte de boala Alzheimer, şi deşi aveam propriile mele fete, am simţit moartea ei ca un copil părăsit.
Într-o zi, în timp ce stăteam întins pe o masă de masaj într-o cameră întunecoasă şi liniştită, aşteptând să-mi vină rândul, m-a izbit brusc un dor de tatăl meu. Am început să mă întreb dacă nu cumva fusesem prea exagerat când îi cerusem să-mi dea un semn.
Mi-am dat seama că mintea mea este într-o stare hiper-acută. Capul meu era cuprins de o limpezime neobişnuită încât aş fi putut să adun coloane întregi de cifre. Am verificat să văd dacă sunt treaz şi nu visez, şi mi-am dat seama că nu puteam fi mai treaz de atât. Fiecare gând al meu era ca o picătură de apă care pica tulburând suprafaţa perfectă a unui lac, şi m-am minunat de liniştea şi pacea fiecărui moment care trecea. Apoi m-am gândit, „Am încercat să controlez mesajele de pe cealaltă lume. Mă voi opri acum”.

san_'s review against another edition

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This is one of the best book written in human history for humans. Always look forward,towards hope.

We see many diffirent stories, related to many diffirent demographics and in many diffirent situations.
How people grow up from the lowest point of their life.
It tells us a postive outlook for our own lives is important.

This book should be taught and read by teachers and schools to teach kindness,justness and forgiveness in the future of our society.

This book is full of little mircales waiting for you to discover them.

Recommeded to everyone from old to young. To every kind of reader. This is an amazing classic!

liana's review against another edition

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I just... didn't like this. My apologies to my tinder date who gave me this thinking I would enjoy it, but I seriously didn't. The stories are meant to be uplifting and inspirational, heart-warming and wholesome. I found them dull and a bit repetitive, almost patronizing and very, very Christian in a way. There is little to no inspiration to be found in these pages, just inspiration porn, as many stories basically come down to "Look at those physically disabled people living their lives!! What's stopping you?" Now, I recognize that this was written a few decades ago, so it's almost bound to be at least a little bit dated, but it seriously was a pain to get through.