
Chicken Soup for the Soul - Export Edition by Mark Victor Hansen, Jack Canfield

wafa's review against another edition

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This is a book I would normally never pick up. But I had this idea one day to read all the books mentioned in Friends, the TV show so I read it. It was meh. I just read some stories throughout the school year when I needed distraction but couldn't commit to a whole book. So it's not like it wasted my time but I couldn't remember one single story if my life depended on it.

fenlla's review against another edition

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A wonderful, heartfelt collection of sweet stories that will restore your faith in humanity and yourself. Prepare to be inspired.

rachelteresacrawshaw's review against another edition

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I've heard a lot about this book over the years and always imagined it would be soppy clap trap, but I actually really enjoyed it! I think I have to admit to myself that I love a feel good story- I suppose I've always thought it "un-cool" to like this kind of feel good, happy hopeful book, but as I get older (yes, I know, I'm only 25) I realise that what's cool doesn't matter, and if it makes you feel good- why not read it! I admit I cried whilst reading this book. If you're a cynic like I was give it a try- you never know, you might even like it (and you don't have to tell anyone!)

vy_'s review against another edition

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seperti biasa, kisah kisah chiken soup selalu menginspirasi dan membuat kita mengerti bahwa kita tidak sendirian menghadapi masalah yang sama. Buku ini adalah sekumpulan cerita tentang masalah dan sikap yang harus diambil ketika pernikahan yang telah direncanakan dari awal harus berakhir dengan perceraian. Tidak seorang pun merencanakan perceraian dan ada banyak hal yang harus dihadapi ketika keputusan itu harus diambil. Perceraian mungkin menyakitkan tapi jika kita bisa menyikapinya secara bijaksana, kita pasti menerimanya dan mengambil hikmah dari hal yang telah terjadi.

pussreboots's review against another edition

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The schmaltzy book that started it all.

iguana_mama's review against another edition

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This book was given out at work. Very readable and unoriginal. I'm far too cynical to enjoy and find deep meaning in stories like these.

kritikanarula's review against another edition

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Chicken soup stories are always a pleasure, and this one stands apart. So endearing and heart-warming are the anecdotes, I had a really REALLY special time with them in the last year of my schooling.