
Proti přírodě, Vol. 1: Probuzení by Mirka Andolfo

rhiannonafternoon's review against another edition

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This is such a unique series that echos a lot of modern day biases through animal form (similar to Maus or Zootopia), with a touch of mysterious fantasy. I’ve had a lot of outbursts/feelings reading this so far and can’t get enough of this story.
It’s a little out there, but that’s why it’s so charming. Love recommending this to anyone who is interested in a new comic!

zombiecupcake29's review against another edition

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Picked this up by chance off Hoopla and I loved it. The story pulls you in and is relevant to current social issues. I can’t wait to read the rest of the series

lili_darknight's review against another edition

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Tento komiks sa na prvý pohľad tvári dosť nenápadne a väčšina ľudí si asi pomyslí, že je to taký rozkošný a možno trochu erotickejšie ladený príbeh o poľudštených zvieratkách. A pritom je ten príbeh dosť drsný, nakoľko sa odohráva v totalitnej spoločnosti, kde sa kruto trestajú medzidruhové vzťahy a kde sa všetko točí len okolo toho, aby ste si našli partnera toho istého druhu a rýchlo splodili dokonalé rovnakodruhové detičky, lebo ak tak neurobíte, budete platiť fakt vysoké dane.

Vynikajúci začiatok. Som zvedavá, ako to bude pokračovať.

mariakureads's review against another edition

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Not sure what i just finished reading.

It was different and interesting and I just got suckered into wanting to know more.

elliotvanz's review against another edition

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Well that was weird. Not in a bad way, but not what I was expecting. The art in this one is lovely, using lots of color and a round style that reminds me a bit of manga (though just a bit). The story blends mystery and dystopia with a touch of erotica - what starts out as a somewhat sweet slice-of-life story gets progressively darker as the story progresses. My one real complaint is that sentence for sentence the writing isn't great. I suspect, however, that might be a translation issue. I'm curious to see where this one goes.

hailie's review against another edition

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I pig-lady was illegal sex dreams about a wolfman. In this world, interspecies relationships are not allowed.

I story took off in a big way, and I am interested in continuing the series.

jewishpadme's review against another edition

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I surprisingly really loved this? A bit of a hidden gem for me, as this isn't something I would typically reach for.

piningtree's review against another edition

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I think I hyped myself up too much for this, but it was still an enjoyable read.

staciesbooks's review against another edition

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Imagine Zootopia but with sex, dating apps, dreams of past lives, forgotten folklore, and murder. Sound weird enough for ya?

I have no better way to describe this other than strange. It's like if someone picked two topics at random, dystopian and furries, and decided to write a story. This was peculiar, to be sure, but I found that I really enjoyed everything I read. I honestly thought this would just be a smut, and while there is some depicted, the story quickly turned into a high stakes mystery. There was much more weight to this story than I originally expected and it definitely wasn't unwelcome.

Though there were a handful of themes present throughout the story, I would say the main one focused on discrimination against non"same species" relationships. Basically, if you aren't married and procreating with someone that looks exactly like you, the government can either fine, jail, or kill you/your spouse. Since our main character is having fantasies about someone not of her species, she obviously doesn't agree with how the government is running things. One of her best friends happens to be gay, and he also ends up in a precarious situation because of who he fell in love with. I think the commentary here, though heavy-handed at times, felt relevant.

I'm glad that I read this & found it to be rather engaging. I don't know if everyone would like Unnatural, Vol. 1, but I do think it's just different enough to pique some folk's interest. It definitely caught my attention and I'll probably be on the lookout for Vol. 2.

bluepigeon's review against another edition

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What a great beginning! Unnatural follows Leslie, a pig woman who works as a waitress and lives with her friend and roommate, Tirsh (a mouse lady). Leslie has a close friend and co-wroker, Derek, and a girl friend, Bliss. Her life is not rocking, but she's doing alright. Except she's having these strange wet dreams about being some wolf guy's bride. This in itself would be OK, except inter-species coupling is strictly forbidden in Leslie's world. And she's now 25, so she's automatically included in the government-mandated same-species, opposite-sex mating paring thing. Except when she shows up for her first mandated date, things go a bit weird and the next day, Leslie finds herself in deep shit. Trish, Derek...they all seem to be in deep shit. But there's a mystery person who's trying to help Leslie. And he looks just like...

The art is fantastic! The sexy scenes, the action, everything flows well, nothing is confusing, and the anthropomorphic characters are just perfect in their expressions. The story is also great. What starts off as growing pains and sketchy government mandate quickly spirals out of control, but never loses focus.

Recommended for those who like pet dragons, sushi, and antique books.