
Penalty Play by Lynda Aicher

scribblinaway's review

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emotional reflective medium-paced


crystal1010's review

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A great continuation of the series! Loved Henrick!

sarahpie626's review

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I'm not really sure that I can find the words to adequately describe how beautifully this book is written. It's so much more than your average sports romance. It's an exquisite tale about two people finding love with and in one another but also learning to love and accept themselves too. And also that we can't predict life and what will happen tomorrow, but we can do things that make us happy. We need to live for each day and make the most of every moment.

With that being said, I loved both Henrik and Jacqui. The chemistry between them was beautiful yet sizzling at the same time. I loved that Jacqui was able to find strength in Henrik. He became her rock, her comfort when she needed him. And I loved that Henrik was able to be his true self with Jacqui. She showed him how to love himself and others and that he could finally stop hiding.

All in all, you will go through every range of emotions with this book. And as one who is a quick reader, I couldn't zip through it. Because each chapter is a beautiful layer in this composition and like a fine wine, Penalty Play deserves to be sipped and savored slowly.

barbi_reads's review

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This was my first book from Lynda Aicher. Despite it being book #3 in the series, I felt like I was able to enjoy it without reading the first two books.

Henrik Grenick is a defenseman for the Minnesota Glaciers. A guy who had a steady flow of women in his life, but none of them being something more. Searching for someone new, Henrik heads out to purchase something for his guitar, not knowing what he'd find once he visits the music store.

Jacqui Polson is a music student who also happens to work in this music store. She meets Henrik, who she is immediately attracted to, but she tries to ignore the spark. Henrik is intrigued by Jacqui, but he doesn't quite know why. It becomes a battle of Henrik wanting more than just a physical relationship and Jacqui trying to keep him at bay in an effort not to get hurt or hurt him.

3.5 out of 5 stars.

I received a free ARC from the publisher and NetGalley; and I am voluntarily leaving an unbiased review.

zaza_bdp's review

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Malgré un résumé alléchant et une plume que j'avais apprécié dans un précédent livre, je n'ai pas franchement été séduite par ce livre, que j'ai même trouvé un peu plat.

J'ai aimé la rencontre entre les héros, les scènes liées à leur passion commune (la musique) sont souvent émouvantes et chargées de sens et c'est ce que j'ai préféré.

Le héros est très différent de ce à quoi je m'attendais : ce n'est pas tous les jours qu'on "croise" un hockeyeur costaud et viril qui aime être soumis entre les draps, il n'a pas le côté dominateur auquel je m'attendais automatiquement, encore moins cette sensibilité liée à son passé et à la musique.
Spoiler Cependant la révélation au sujet de son père est pour un rebondissement complètement inutile et n'apporte vraiment rien au récit, si ce n'est pour justifier une partie de sa personnalité.

Jacqui est un personnage plus classique, elle revient de loin
Spoiler avec ce cancer qui a marqué sa jeunesse à 2 reprises et qui menace encore
et a du caractère, mais j'ai eu du mal à vraiment l'apprécier, comme son homme en fait.

L'univers du hockey est bien présent, et ça, j'aime ! Cette ambiance un peu brute sur la glace, l'esprit de camaraderie, les autres hockeyeurs ... Je dis OUI à tout cela !
De la même manière, j'ai bien apprécié la famille de l'héroine, ses frères insupportablement protecteurs, ses parents aimants et accueillants : une vraie tribu !

Une romance au final assez triste, qui se laisse lire, mais qui ne me marquera pas non plus

octopusgarden's review against another edition

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ARC provided by author/publisher in exchange for an honest review.
My favorite part about this book (surprisingly enough) was Henrik. Y'know, I love dominant, cocky guys as much as the next girl but sometimes, it's nice to have a change of pace which was what this book was for me. Henrik wasn't your typical hockey player, he had self doubts, he had insecurities, and oddly enough he was the one who was looking for commitment.

Henrik Grenick, Minnesota Glaciers’ starting defenseman always had candy on his arm. It was always women that wanted something from him, whether it was the publicity, money, or just being able to say "I BONED HENRIK GRENICK". He never realized how much he craved affection and love until he met the fiercely independent Jacqui Polson. Jacqui has battled with being alone all her life, commitment issues apparently run in the Polson genes because 3 out of 4 brothers can't seem to settle down either. Growing up with 4 older brothers who are absolutely in love with hockey kind of turns you off of the game, and when she meets Henrik she is anything but phased or amazed. Henrik doesn't believe how indifferent Jacqui feels towards him being a NHL player, nor does he believe how hard it'll be to win her heart.

Jacqui made me want to smack her, for literally 80% of the book I was screaming "TELL HIM TELL HIM"
because we all know Henrik is the sweetest damn guy on this earth and he loves Jacqui to bits. She was just so afraid to fall for him, so she ran away. The fact that Henrik finally grew some balls and demanded what he deserved, I was just clapping at the end because damn Henrik.. WHERE WERE YOUR BALLS THE WHOLE TIME? I don't mean to get up in his business like the rest of the team but seriously, it seems like he's had no balls and he just needed to find them. Besides some minor details, I absolutely adored this book. Definitely my favorite ARC so far.

anabelsbrother's review

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E-ARC provided thanks to Carina Press and Netgalley.

This is my first book by Lynda Aicher and I'd say it won't be my last.

I have read my fair share of hockey-themed books, and I'm quite surprised to find the main character, Henrik isn't quite similar to the other hockey-playing heroes I've read about previously. For starters, he is...not as cocky. He keeps to himself a lot and keeps others at a distance. He is (surprisingly) musically talented, and keeps this a secret from his team. He's sensitive and cares deeply, and he wants more. Most of the time I just want to hug him and bake him cupcakes because he's just so lovable.

What I like about this book is the writing, it's good and easy to get into. I love that it's family-themed; I love our main girl Jacqui's annoying brothers and parents, and I also love Henrik's teammates.

What puts me off about this book is the romance, kind of. While I love both Henrik and Jacqui as separate characters, them getting together seemed kind of contrived, and the romance feels rushed to me.

Overall, it's an enjoyable read. Henrik's friend Hauke really intrigues me and I think I'm going to check out his story next.

klndonnelly's review against another edition

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Review at Beverages and Books

jaypeg's review

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I enjoyed the story of hockey star Henrik and musician Jacqui but not as much as the previous book. I liked the portrayal of Henrik as a closed off, secretive guy. I liked how he evolved. It was a bit schmaltzy for my tastes though. Henrik is scared of being alone, Jacqui has a huge family. Henrick denies his music, Jackqui embraces it. The two combined help heal each other. It’s pretty soft and emotional. It’s not my ultimate favourite kind of read but it was good.

I couldn’t quite marry the alpha hockey star with the emotional pianist. Henrick was a little too gentle and helpless. He was scared of being alone! I get that, but it made him a bit too needy for my tastes. I did however, like that Henrik liked to be bossed around in the bedroom. Not in a hardcore way but it was hot. I felt like the author could have developed this a bit more. It was slightly half-hearted which made me doubt it sometimes.

This book was slightly more angsty than the previous book. A bit more serious, hence only three stars from me. Jacqui was a bit too vulnerable for my tastes,

mrsalvaradoreads's review against another edition

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Favorite book of the series.. Which truly shocked me since I am usually partial to a more alpha hero and generally just a different style.. May update more later but I just have to ask...

Is anyone else hoping for Aiden's story, if not the rest of the Polson brothers? I think they would make uber awesome hero's.. Just saying..