A review by jaypeg
Penalty Play by Lynda Aicher


I enjoyed the story of hockey star Henrik and musician Jacqui but not as much as the previous book. I liked the portrayal of Henrik as a closed off, secretive guy. I liked how he evolved. It was a bit schmaltzy for my tastes though. Henrik is scared of being alone, Jacqui has a huge family. Henrick denies his music, Jackqui embraces it. The two combined help heal each other. It’s pretty soft and emotional. It’s not my ultimate favourite kind of read but it was good.

I couldn’t quite marry the alpha hockey star with the emotional pianist. Henrick was a little too gentle and helpless. He was scared of being alone! I get that, but it made him a bit too needy for my tastes. I did however, like that Henrik liked to be bossed around in the bedroom. Not in a hardcore way but it was hot. I felt like the author could have developed this a bit more. It was slightly half-hearted which made me doubt it sometimes.

This book was slightly more angsty than the previous book. A bit more serious, hence only three stars from me. Jacqui was a bit too vulnerable for my tastes,