
Хищническо злато by Philip Reeve

taty485's review against another edition

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adventurous challenging mysterious tense medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix
  • Strong character development? It's complicated
  • Loveable characters? It's complicated
  • Diverse cast of characters? It's complicated
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


cailean_renard's review against another edition

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adventurous dark hopeful inspiring mysterious sad medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? It's complicated
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


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codyhb's review against another edition

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adventurous medium-paced


tgnewman's review against another edition

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General Overview
A series I feel I should have read a long time ago, but glad to have discovered now. After watching the film 'Mortal Engines' I was really excited to dive further into this exciting world.

A competent author, Philip Reeve's style is clear and colourful. It is not particularly flashy or original, but it doesn't have to be. Its confidently written, and flows with all the well written drama of any good teen fiction.

The setting sells this whole Quartet, and is wonderful throughout. It is beautifully thought out, and begs to be read about more. Without it, the story would be good, but run of the mill.

Our female lead is anything but run of the mill however. She is fantastically written, and a joy, if a bit stereotypical in her motivations.

Following on from the events of Mortal Engines, our heroes are trapped in the far North, pursued by more cities, on one bound for the far west of the Dead Continent.

Final Thoughts
A good read, and one I am glad to have finally gotten around to.

kim_e_d's review against another edition

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The universe is great, but the overall balance is problematic. The author is very good at descriptions, except when it comes to action. These scenes are therefore brushed over, leaving the reader underwhelmed.

wldanrzip's review against another edition

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adventurous challenging mysterious tense medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Character
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? It's complicated
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


This is the first Philip Reeve book that i read. I was content about the Mortal Engines movie, so i decided to read this sequel. Its a good read and i want more of this moving cities adventure. Didn't like a few characters in this book such as Pennyroyal and Sathya. A bit chaotic but i able to enjoy it.

lynnobert's review against another edition

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adventurous mysterious medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix
  • Strong character development? It's complicated
  • Loveable characters? No
  • Diverse cast of characters? It's complicated
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


The Story is great and really enjoyable. There a lot of interesting characters. I usually like Hester and Tom but Tom really sucks in this book and does a lot of things that are messed up. Their Love dynamic is just weird and annoying.

I love the world building. 

Tom Natsworthy if you're reading this I will fight you. 

diannataivas1312's review against another edition

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Ima nešto u tim drugim delovima dugih serijala knjiga što tu drugu knjigu uvek izdvoji nekom liticom koju niste očekivali.
Da ne bih spojlovala ko je sve uspeo da preživi iz prvog dela, nagovestiću samo da oni koji su preostali se nakon dve godine putovanja nalaze , opet, pod metom, ovoga puta Arhandjela progonitelja ali i pokreta Zelena oluja koji traži osvetu za one koji su pod vojstvom Valentajna u prvom delu bili ugroženi ili ubijeni.
Distopijski romani obično održavaju jedan pravac napretka teme, medjutim sama tema mašina gradova koji proždiru druge manje, se mnogo ne menja, dok se Tom i Hester udruženo bore za opstanak, ali tema skreće na jedan iritantni nivo izdaje koji onako čini da čitalac poželi da uleti u knjigu i reši stvar sa par šamara.
Generalno, Tom kao glavni lik i nije bio nešto preterano mačo, niti vičan da se bori. On je jednostavno snalažljivi istoričar koji je uspeo da preživi i da stane na stranu Hešter. Medjutim ovde ćemo videti i njegovu snishodljivu ličnost, koja meni opada u očima kad je reč o kvalitetu kakav treba da ima glavni junak.
Ali, hajde, da kažemo ,čovek je pa je ljudski....grešiti.
Iovako mu je trebalo da malo očvrsne, medjutim koliko glupih odluka glavni lik može doneti u jednoj knjizi ?Očigledno mnogo.
Kako i da li bi mu trebalo oprostiti videćemo ipak u ovom delu.
Ali,hej, nije jedini koji će načiniti greške.
Čitanje je lagano pa zato ne žurim. Iovako su i ovih dvesta pedesetak stranica, kao i prethodnih, proletele za jedan do dva sata čitanja.
U ovom delu ostajemo pri avanturističkom tempu bandi koje su za našim glavnim junacima uz neke nove likov poput Freje e koji mi nisu naročito simpatični.
Ali ono što moram da napomenem je da ni Hester nešto ne blista od ličnosti. Sve ono nedohvatljivo i hrabro što volimo o njoj u prvom delu, sada je maglovito i ona se suočava sa svojim niskim samopouzdanjem zbog svog ožiljka i nekako vraća na neki nezreliji put, sa koga nadam , uskoro skreće na bolje.
Do tada imaćemo uzbudljivu avijatičarsku jurnjavu po ledenom gradu, jedno slamanje srca takodje, a verovatno i iznerviravanje čitaoca , ali obećavam dosta intriga i redosled događaja koji se uklapa kao mehanizam sata. Zato je, iako uz manje misterije a više jurnjave, ova knjiga četiri i po zvezdice, kako to obično biva sa drugom knjigom nekog serijala.
U ovoj priči imamo preokrete i srca i lojalnosti, jasne i nejasne izdaje, tajnu koja će ostati sačuvana, nekoga ko će upravljati novim Sidrištem, i Arhandjele koji će dočekati svoj poraz.
Oni hoće, ali neće i svi drugi koji su pretnja blizu ovog ledenog prostranstva. I samo naizgled ova saga može da odahne .

Sada mogu ujedno da iskomentarišem i film Smrtonosne mašine, koji definitivno prati samo prethodni deo knjige sudeći po insertima. Ostaje da ga pogledam kada završim sva četiri dela.

rusty_kraken's review against another edition

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adventurous lighthearted medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? No
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


zoeybirdy's review against another edition

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Omg there are many wild things! Some things I know from the first movie but my goodness a lot happened! But they got moving!