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annaelle's review against another edition
briser le 4ème mur au cinéma ?
diderot l’a fait et l’a divinement bien employé dans ce roman du 18ème. c’était très rafraîchissant et assez inattendu je dois dire
ceci dit même en prenant en compte les mœurs de l’époque et le contexte temporel de l’œuvre la sympathie que j’avais pour jacques et son maître est assez vite partie…
mais alors c’était tout de même une superbe lecture !
diderot l’a fait et l’a divinement bien employé dans ce roman du 18ème. c’était très rafraîchissant et assez inattendu je dois dire
ceci dit même en prenant en compte les mœurs de l’époque et le contexte temporel de l’œuvre la sympathie que j’avais pour jacques et son maître est assez vite partie…
mais alors c’était tout de même une superbe lecture !
laieta's review against another edition
Jacques: «Nos pasamos tres cuartas partes de la vida queriendo y no haciendo. [...] Y haciendo sin querer».
aliesvaartjes's review against another edition
Jacques, let's now continue with the story of your loves
thebookthiefgirl's review
“Na vida não sabemos com que devemos alegrar-nos e com que devemos afligir-nos. O bem traz consigo o mal, o mal traz consigo o bem! Caminhamos pela noite por baixo do que está escrito lá em cima, igualmente insensatos nos nossos desejos, na nossa alegria e na nossa aflição. Quando choro, verifico muitas vezes que sou um tolo.”
Os livros da coleção Ricardo Araújo Pereira não têm como desiludir, garantindo humor pela certa. Diderot escreveu “Jacques, o Fatalista” em 1773 e este só viria a ser publicado depois da sua morte. Este será provavelmente dos maiores clássicos humorísticos de todos os tempos. Se não é, devia ser
Os livros da coleção Ricardo Araújo Pereira não têm como desiludir, garantindo humor pela certa. Diderot escreveu “Jacques, o Fatalista” em 1773 e este só viria a ser publicado depois da sua morte. Este será provavelmente dos maiores clássicos humorísticos de todos os tempos. Se não é, devia ser
anna_near's review against another edition
Existentialism makes me want to kill myself.
Like all philosophical literature, this book is about two guys talking to each-other. However, unlike real men, these two were actually funny. The plot, however, was disjointed and lacking in coherence in several places that made it hard to get through. The acclaim given to the author is astounding because his prose made me unreasonably mad. I know absolutely nothing about Diderot, but I would bet my life that if he was alive today, he'd have a porn addiction and live with his mother.
I will say I'm glad I read it, if only because it gave me a chance to impress my friends by casually dropping phrases like 'existentialist ennui' into everyday conversation.
Like all philosophical literature, this book is about two guys talking to each-other. However, unlike real men, these two were actually funny. The plot, however, was disjointed and lacking in coherence in several places that made it hard to get through. The acclaim given to the author is astounding because his prose made me unreasonably mad. I know absolutely nothing about Diderot, but I would bet my life that if he was alive today, he'd have a porn addiction and live with his mother.
I will say I'm glad I read it, if only because it gave me a chance to impress my friends by casually dropping phrases like 'existentialist ennui' into everyday conversation.
kiriamarin's review against another edition
Então temos uma cena comum no século XVII, dois viajantes à cavalo numa estrada pelo interior da França,numa conversa informal mas logo descobrimos que são de classes sociais diferentes:Jacques o "servo" e o seu "Mestre", sem nome.
Essas barreiras e papéis são logo subvertidas porque Jacques é o protagonista e contador de estórias dessa obra que intriga ,irrita,fascina o narrador,seu Mestre , um ouvinte. Um tagarela conversador, que domina as palavras
e a narrativa ,com as estórias e causos de sua vida e de conhecidos, por onde passa. Um humilde filosofo,ora vulgar,ora profundo, uma figura irreverente,
carismática, que tem seu modo de viver resumido neste
motif derivado de Spinoza " Está escrito acima " que traz pra trama lições e reflexões filosóficos sobre o livre arbítrio e destino nas ações humanas.
Mestre: "Um bom contador de histórias é um homem raro.
JACQUES: E é exatamente por isso que eu não gosto de histórias - a menos que eu esteja contando.
MESTRE: Você prefere falar mal a ficar quieto. JACQUES: Isso é verdade. MESTRE: E eu prefiro ouvir alguém falando mal do que absolutamente nada."
Além de tecer uma olhadela na vida dos simples plebeus e nobres do interior da França, com suas morais tradições e comportamento corrompidas e hipócritas.
Afinal a vida humana debaixo do firmamento é previsível,porém nunca entediante .
"A vida é uma série de mal-entendidos. Existem os mal-entendidos de amor, os mal-entendidos de amizade, os mal-entendidos de política, finanças, igreja, lei, comércio, mulheres, maridos..."
Uma leitura fácil e prazerosa que me lembrou uma das minhas leituras favoritas deste ano :"Lucas Procopio " do Autran Dourado que também tem influencias de Dom Quixote e seu parceiro Sancho Pança.
Como o narrador remete ao leitor, destas estórias tirem sua própria conclusão.
Essas barreiras e papéis são logo subvertidas porque Jacques é o protagonista e contador de estórias dessa obra que intriga ,irrita,fascina o narrador,seu Mestre , um ouvinte. Um tagarela conversador, que domina as palavras
e a narrativa ,com as estórias e causos de sua vida e de conhecidos, por onde passa. Um humilde filosofo,ora vulgar,ora profundo, uma figura irreverente,
carismática, que tem seu modo de viver resumido neste
motif derivado de Spinoza " Está escrito acima " que traz pra trama lições e reflexões filosóficos sobre o livre arbítrio e destino nas ações humanas.
Mestre: "Um bom contador de histórias é um homem raro.
JACQUES: E é exatamente por isso que eu não gosto de histórias - a menos que eu esteja contando.
MESTRE: Você prefere falar mal a ficar quieto. JACQUES: Isso é verdade. MESTRE: E eu prefiro ouvir alguém falando mal do que absolutamente nada."
Além de tecer uma olhadela na vida dos simples plebeus e nobres do interior da França, com suas morais tradições e comportamento corrompidas e hipócritas.
Afinal a vida humana debaixo do firmamento é previsível,porém nunca entediante .
"A vida é uma série de mal-entendidos. Existem os mal-entendidos de amor, os mal-entendidos de amizade, os mal-entendidos de política, finanças, igreja, lei, comércio, mulheres, maridos..."
Uma leitura fácil e prazerosa que me lembrou uma das minhas leituras favoritas deste ano :"Lucas Procopio " do Autran Dourado que também tem influencias de Dom Quixote e seu parceiro Sancho Pança.
Como o narrador remete ao leitor, destas estórias tirem sua própria conclusão.
lapetitelyanne's review against another edition
Non, juste non. J'ai même pas réussi à le finir, même en l'écoutant en version audio (en faisant des tâches ménagères en même temps). C'est tellement lourd pis j'ai l'impression que l'histoire avance tellement pas vite, en plus je comprenais pas grand chose à cause du style d'écriture.
Je pensais que ça m'aiderait de le finir en version audio, mais c'était pas mieux... Des fois, j'avais quasiment l'impression de lire un récit biblique pis c'est vraiment pas un style de livres que j'aime
Je pensais que ça m'aiderait de le finir en version audio, mais c'était pas mieux... Des fois, j'avais quasiment l'impression de lire un récit biblique pis c'est vraiment pas un style de livres que j'aime
zebras54's review against another edition
This novel by Denis Diderot was published in 1785 after the death of the author. Created between 1765 and 1780 It is partly written like a play. The main protagonists are Jacques who is servant and his nameless master. There are echoes of Cervantes Don Quijote and Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales in this long dialogue. The characters are on journey somewhere in France in the 18th century. and pass the time telling stories and meeting all sorts of people who in turn tell their stories.
There is no proper plot and the book is not divided in chapters. The author chimes in as well and tells about the writing process of his novel. On paper, this kind of concept should not work, but in the hands of Denis Diderot it becomes a little gem with relatable characters, and as a reader I wanted to join in and discuss and philosophize about the human condition. The title character is a man who believes in predestination, - everything is written above - and he seems to accept this with good grace. The master sounds like a younger man who is intrigued and entertained by his companion. If I ever travelled to France in the 18th century, I will call Jacques and his companions.
I read it in French during a train journey from Coutances to Caen and back. I got the book from a book-box, so I guess it went on travels as well. I hope it wants to stay now in my library.
An English translation is available as Jacques the Fatalist
There is no proper plot and the book is not divided in chapters. The author chimes in as well and tells about the writing process of his novel. On paper, this kind of concept should not work, but in the hands of Denis Diderot it becomes a little gem with relatable characters, and as a reader I wanted to join in and discuss and philosophize about the human condition. The title character is a man who believes in predestination, - everything is written above - and he seems to accept this with good grace. The master sounds like a younger man who is intrigued and entertained by his companion. If I ever travelled to France in the 18th century, I will call Jacques and his companions.
I read it in French during a train journey from Coutances to Caen and back. I got the book from a book-box, so I guess it went on travels as well. I hope it wants to stay now in my library.
An English translation is available as Jacques the Fatalist
siili's review against another edition
Books like these and me= not good friends. This reminded me a bit of Tristram Shandy, a book I disliked a lot. Fortunately this wasn't that horrible to read, but I just didn't like the layout of this book at all. I hated when the writer (or teller or whoever) started to talk about boring things in the middle of the story and how he would have done this or that but did this instead and how the reader could think differently if the outcome didn't please him/her.
The purpose of this book was supposedly to tell us about Jacques telling his lovestory to his master on their journeys, but there was always something else, like other stories told when Jacques didn't want to tell his or something seemingly random happening in the middle of the story leaving it open till time being. Some of the stories in this book along with the "main one" were OK, but some just feeled like fillers so that the book would be a bit longer and the purpose of telling Jaqcuess lovestory would be delayed a bit more. That's what annoyed me the most, because it made the book a bit more harder to read along with the annoying comments of the writer.
Do I regret reading this book? Maybe a bit, but still, it wasn't a complete waste of my time, because some of the stories told were interesting enough. So I give this book 2,5 stars rounded up to 3 stars.
The purpose of this book was supposedly to tell us about Jacques telling his lovestory to his master on their journeys, but there was always something else, like other stories told when Jacques didn't want to tell his or something seemingly random happening in the middle of the story leaving it open till time being. Some of the stories in this book along with the "main one" were OK, but some just feeled like fillers so that the book would be a bit longer and the purpose of telling Jaqcuess lovestory would be delayed a bit more. That's what annoyed me the most, because it made the book a bit more harder to read along with the annoying comments of the writer.
Do I regret reading this book? Maybe a bit, but still, it wasn't a complete waste of my time, because some of the stories told were interesting enough. So I give this book 2,5 stars rounded up to 3 stars.
the_dave_harmon's review against another edition
This is a charming anti-novel. If you're familiar with how bad novels were at the time then you know that an anti novel was sorely needed.
It's fun and lighthearted throughout, and pretty funny at times. I've never had an author interrupt his narrative to address the reader directly and tease and argue with me. If you liked Waiting for Godot you'll like this.
Characters 4/5
Writing quality 3/5 by today's standards
Ending 4/5
Unputdownable? Nope
Deeper meaning - yes. It's about how a person who doesn't believe in free will would act/speak
Story - hahaha
It's fun and lighthearted throughout, and pretty funny at times. I've never had an author interrupt his narrative to address the reader directly and tease and argue with me. If you liked Waiting for Godot you'll like this.
Characters 4/5
Writing quality 3/5 by today's standards
Ending 4/5
Unputdownable? Nope
Deeper meaning - yes. It's about how a person who doesn't believe in free will would act/speak
Story - hahaha