A review by siili
Jaakko fatalisti ja hänen isäntänsä by Denis Diderot


Books like these and me= not good friends. This reminded me a bit of Tristram Shandy, a book I disliked a lot. Fortunately this wasn't that horrible to read, but I just didn't like the layout of this book at all. I hated when the writer (or teller or whoever) started to talk about boring things in the middle of the story and how he would have done this or that but did this instead and how the reader could think differently if the outcome didn't please him/her.

The purpose of this book was supposedly to tell us about Jacques telling his lovestory to his master on their journeys, but there was always something else, like other stories told when Jacques didn't want to tell his or something seemingly random happening in the middle of the story leaving it open till time being. Some of the stories in this book along with the "main one" were OK, but some just feeled like fillers so that the book would be a bit longer and the purpose of telling Jaqcuess lovestory would be delayed a bit more. That's what annoyed me the most, because it made the book a bit more harder to read along with the annoying comments of the writer.

Do I regret reading this book? Maybe a bit, but still, it wasn't a complete waste of my time, because some of the stories told were interesting enough. So I give this book 2,5 stars rounded up to 3 stars.