
Anne'nin Duygusal Yokluğu by Jasmin Lee Cori

nbong1206's review against another edition

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informative reflective medium-paced


avery_rivers's review against another edition

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To me, this book felt like it had no clear audience. The author sometimes hinted at her own experiences and I felt like knowing her story (as a memoir) could be illuminating but I didn't think the examples were terribly helpful. Other times, she seems to be directing the book at therapists in a cursory way. I can see where some people might find some of the exercises useful but, like some other readers, I was turned off by a few comments such as someone remembering their experience in the womb and treating their inner child like a separate person. I get that this last approach is a modality some are using in the field but I find it problematic.
I personally prefer books that are rich in data from analytical studies and case studies, this was written for anyone to be able to pick up and digest but it doesn't feel like a deep dive into the impact of this type of mothering (or non-mothering). If this is someone's introduction to childhood trauma or neglect, it may be helpful but, having researched these topics previously, I didn't learn anything new. That said, I want to reiterate that some of the exercises could be very helpful to some and as an introduction or a one-off on the topic, this will do the job.

els04's review against another edition

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emotional informative medium-paced


De emotioneel afwezige moeder. Herkennen en helen van emotionele verwaarlozing in je kindertijd. Door: Jasmin Lee Cori. 
Dit is niet het eerste boek dat ik over dit onderwerp lees, het is wel één van de beste. Het is het eerste boek dat ik geregeld een tijdje opzij moest leggen omdat het te herkenbaar, triggerend, pijnlijk werd. Dat is natuurlijk een goed teken, dat wijst erop dat Lee Cori een gevoelige snaar weet te raken. 
Waar het in andere boeken vaak iets te theoretisch en abstract blijft wordt er echt gefocust op hoe het voelt/voelde om met een emotioneel afwezige moeder te leven. Abstracte begrippen worden heel duidelijk en op verschillende manieren uitgelegd. Hoe vaak ik vroeger ook over onveilige hechtingsstijlen las, ik kon nooit uitvogelen welke hechtingsstijl ik had. Zou aan mij kunnen liggen maar nu begreep ik het wel. 
Lee Cori gebruikt ook veel voorbeelden uit haar praktijk en geeft geregeld (schrijf-)oefeningen om zelf aan de slag te gaan. In de praktijk. Want er over lezen is één ding, het echte helen gebeurt in het dagelijkse leven. Ze schrijft ook dat het helen jaren, zo niet tientallen jaren kan duren, dat het niet lineair maar wel cyclisch zal verlopen. Dat zijn dingen die mij houvast en troost bieden. 
Geen makkelijk boek om te lezen maar wel ééntje dat heel belangrijk is en mensen echt kan helpen! Bedankt Jasmin Lee Cori voor het delen van jouw wijsheid. 

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merixien's review against another edition

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Kitaptaki en büyük problem; ebeveynlerden birinin yoksunluğunda oluşan yansımaları yalnızca annenin başarısız ebeveynliğine atfetmesi. Annenin yahut babanın ölünü sonrası gelişen travmanın etkinliğini minimize ederek daha çok var olan bir annenin yerine getiremediği anneliğin sonucu olarak görmesi ve diğer bütün etkenleri egale edip buna dair çözümlemeye gitmesi biraz negatiflik katıyor. Bunun dışında çocukluğunda anne-baba ile kısa/uzun/sonsuz bir kopma yaşanmış herkesin kendindeki baI alışkanlık ya da algıların sebebine dair ipuçları toplayabileceği bir kitap.

noaolivie's review against another edition

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emotional hopeful informative medium-paced


zain's review against another edition

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Such an average read. I didn't learn anything new. 

annasirius's review against another edition

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Covers the issues quite well but I find the guidance to healing vague.