
Kage Unleashed by Maris Black

bookbearreads's review against another edition

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A fantastic sequel to the first novel. The drama really amped up and I loved the developing romance between Jamie and Kage. Can't wait to go onto the third novel!

muddasick's review against another edition

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shonp's review against another edition

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October !!!! But, that's too far away

alicia_mackey's review against another edition

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4.5 Drama Stars

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This one is told in both Jamie and Kage's POV which I really liked. It starts off right where book 1 finishes and goes back over the cliffhanger in Kage's POV which got me all sad again, I can't believe he just walked away.

We learn more of why Kage is as private as he is and it made me love him even more. We get lots more MMA action in this one which I really liked.

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Poor Jamie is still trying to come to terms with his sexuality and finds himself in a scary situation with two big alpha's. Of course Kage comes to the rescue and saves Jamie and they finally reconnect. These two together are so freaking hot!

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All is going well until it isn't (again). This one has so much drama! I think Jamie and Kage spent more time apart than together but one thing's for sure, I LOVE Jamie and Kage and can't seem to get enough of them. I'm loving this series!!

jcovington's review against another edition

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Even better the second time...this one is my absolute favorite of the three.  GAAAAAHHHH!!!  

BL Reread with Nathan.


Wow. Wow. Wow. Once again blown away and thankful to have all three to read at one time. Unbelievable characters. 

See my spoiler free series review here.

Kage (Mike Chabot) ... What a mystery you are. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Reading Updates:


The Prologue

What a perfect start...


“That fucker is scary, Jamie— those eyes. When he looks at me—” She shuddered, unable to finish.
I wanted to ask her to elaborate, to tell me exactly what she’d seen when she looked into his eyes. Because when I looked into them, I saw something I didn’t think I could live without.


Most of all, I wish he could see the way his dark eyes hang onto mine, suggesting in a very virtuous, unassuming way that he needs to be fucked good and hard. If he could see that, he would understand why I’d had to pursue him, even after I found out he was straight. Even when I could list a hundred different reasons why I shouldn’t.


Emotions were getting jumbled, and I didn’t even know who I was anymore. I’d just been checking out another guy, imagining every inch of the hair on his body, but dammit I didn’t want him. The problem was, I wanted something like him. Something that was hard on the outside but with a gentle center. Something that made me feel fiercely protected and in mortal danger all at once.


“Oh, hell,” I said, staring up into his eyes for what seemed like ages. “I’m gonna need another drink for this. Will you excuse me for just a sec?”


I wanted to take away his shame, but I wasn’t sure how. All I could think to do was hold him and show him that it was okay.
I got in front of him, stopping him as he tried to leave the condom section. He made a half-hearted effort to sidestep me, but I stayed right in front of him. I wanted to put my arms around him, but he was so intimidating, so closed off. The prospect was daunting, like trying to woo a wild bear. Finally, I just went for it.

I'm so in love with these two. ❤️❤️❤️


He whimpered, sputtered tears everywhere, and dug his forehead painfully into my collarbone. I just held him, trying to be everything to him, knowing I was nothing but a warm place to bury his pain. But that’s what he needed, and that’s what I’d be.


He whimpered, sputtered tears everywhere, and dug his forehead painfully into my collarbone. I just held him, trying to be everything to him, knowing I was nothing but a warm place to bury his pain. But that’s what he needed, and that’s what I’d be.


“You think you can just reach in and finger fuck my soul anytime you feel like it? I should put you out of your misery right now, you sadistic prick.”
Yes Kage, you should!

Read #2: 2016, February 6th



Gaaaahhh...that first chapter (Kage's POV) is probably my favorite of the series. <3


“You say you want to be a man? You want me to treat you like a man? Then look me in the eye and say what you want to say.”


Totally forgot how hot that scene is. Phew!


When he came, it wasn’t quick. It was slow and drawn out just like his movements, his face a beautiful mask of pain, lust, and heartbreak. I doubted if anyone else had ever belonged to another person as much as I belonged to him in that moment.


Dr. Tanner...


“You think you can just reach in and finger fuck my soul anytime you feel like it? I should put you out of your misery right now, you sadistic prick.”
“Takes one to know one,” he rasped.

fncpalet's review against another edition

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This one was better than the previous one. But their characters are still a bit simple. It's the only bad point I must say about this story.

evil_princess's review against another edition

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MM Romance
MMA Fighter & College Student
Trilogy part 2 of 3
3.75 Stars ⭐️

j_bookaholic's review against another edition

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This one was so much better than the first. Still had some issues but it wasn't over the top nor did it have the MF feel that the first one had.

nomomstayandread's review against another edition

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Oof. This one got a bit dark for a little bit there. The end of book 1 led me to scratching my head on why Jamie even wants this guy.

When things are good, they're good. When they're not, I mean, different strokes for different folks.

I wish Kage would use his brain and communication skills a bit more. I wish Jamie was a little more of an equal partner. The imbalance of power is still enough for me to cringe a bit but I hope they figure it out by the end of the series.

knollm15's review against another edition

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