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Revenant by Larissa Ione

renpuspita's review against another edition

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So, Revenant will always be my favorite Demonica books to date, simply just because the 1/4 final parts (and battle) alone. The most, epic, final battle that Larissa Ione ever write that I doubt she can write it again in the future (Demonica: Birthright when, Ione?). Out of nowhere, I want to re-read Revenant again, since my reading fumes just kinda snuffed out, but reading Eidolon's excerpt in the back of my Revenant copy make me read Pleasure Unbound first. Followed by Passion Unleashed then Revenant, and I have a very happy merry weekend (plus got my fix of daily smut, lol). I know I just jump into Revenant, and not reading Lore's, Sin's, all LoD's books, Reaver's, but oh well. I will make time to re-read their books when I'm in the mood! :D

Revenant deserve all of the love in the world, consider how fucked up he is, and while he can't dethroned Eidolon as my numero uno Demonica's favorite, I still love his story, his personality and his character development. Yep, he's very, very deserve the love!

My old review below :)


(And I end up re-read the 1/4 last part book just because, duh, it's fuckin' awesome!!)

It's hard to part with your favorite series, and not just once, but twice. I have the same feeling when read [bc:Sin Undone|7715664|Sin Undone (Demonica #5)|Larissa Ione||10083611], the last book of Demonica series and rejoice when knew that Larissa continue her story with Four Horsemen of Apocalypse arc. I love all her books, not one of them never let me down (well, Ares did. He's a JERK after all) and I always swallow her new book right after said book come in my lap.

REVENANT, like REAVER is a hell of a ride book. Larissa wrap-up the battle between Good vs Evil in the end with a good punch. Even the event that lead it can be so deus ex machina, especially after reader learn the real identity of Blaspheme and Revenant, I have no complaint. Everything is so fuckin' perfect and, again make me sad when reading word "THE END".

Revenant is so much like Wraith but of course he's so different than the most favorite Seminus. Revenant is the fucked up version of Wraith but not over the top. His past is so painful and behind his devil-may-care attitude, he has a softer side and so strict with rules that somehow make him more attractive and cute in another way. Some of his scene make me melt like a puddle of goo and some make me want to hug him because he don't know where he belong to. My favorite part from him? When he rescue Thanatos's vampire from Gethel's torture rack:

"I went back to Gethel's and got the vampire." He lowered his voice to a mumble, even though there was no one around to hear him, and she swore the faintest blush spread over his cheeks. "And the kittens."

Blaspheme stared, and for a moment, she almost believed that she must be part of Soulshredder, because the big, dangerous Shadow Angel radiating death like a malevolent power plant had morphed into something else before her very eyes. Something more relatable. Something admirable. And yet, something no less dangerous

MELTING. Big. Time. I know your feeling Blaspheme, for I think at first Revenant will become alpha asshole biker type, and yet, like Azagoth, he can be as cuddle as teddy bear.

I like Blaspheme. She's not kick ass like Tayla or Limos, or Harvester. She's just a doctor, but she has a big heart and in the end that heart is what saved Revenant in the end. She's a fighter of her own, with ethic to saved people life not end it. Even the said people is evil. I like her determination and glad that she still true to her principal, because killing is not her nature. And, I'm so touched that Revenant, even he's lusting after Blas, he still praised her code, even support her when she's torn between killing for a greater cause or stay true to her doctor ethic to save live.

Wow, I'm almost weep when read this book...because like I said before, I'm not ready to part with this series!! :'( I know that all good thing must come to an end, but Demonica series is a series that I don't mind to have 20 or 30 books because Larrisa Ione's writing is so addictive! Her take of angel and devil again remind me so much with manga Angel Sanctuary by Yuki Kaori. But, the romance and the steamy factor of Demonica better than Angel Sanctuary, hands down. Larissa Ione in a league of her own when writing a steamy and so-hot-I-want-to-fan-myself sex scenes ;)

The most cool character maybe Metatron, Rev and Reaver's uncle, the highest Archangel in Heaven. This archangel is cryptic and full of riddles, yet in the end he is the most compassionate angel I had read in Demonica, compare to the devious and always plotting angels in this world. Yep, like not all demon are evil, the angel also not all goody-goody person. Some are cunning, some are heartless. My complaint just why Larissa choose Raphael to be one of the villain, for I love him in Guild Hunter series! >.<

Some old character, like the Sems brother and the Horsemen, Reaver and Harvester have role here, especially Reaver because he's Revenant's twin. But what make me so happy is, my favorite Seminus demon ever, Eidolon have a big role! XD. I really love reading his scene and glad that he doesn't change at all.

A link in the end of the book bring me to the Epilogue scene in Larrisa's blog and make me sadder to part with Demonica world! Actually REVENANT is not the final book of Demonica series, even the event that happen in this book is final. The next is HADES, and I really can't wait to read it!!!

..."The Destroyer, she said. "His name is Revenant. He's a Shadow Angel. And he knows the truth about me."

"He what?" Deva's shout rattled the pictures and anatomical models hanging on the walls. "How? And why the fuck are you standing here like it"s no big deal when you should be hiding?"

"Because," Blas said, "I'm the one who told him. And... I'm kind of sleeping with him."

Her mother, the rock-solid pillar of strength, lost all the color in her face... and passed out.

rclz's review against another edition

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Really a good book and a very nice wrap up of the big arc. The audio version is as usual well done. Good solid plot and great characters. What more could you ask for?

andreaphoenix26's review against another edition

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(aunque técnicamente faltan algunas historias cortas)
Larissa TIENE que escribir las historias de los hijos de los Jinetes, de los Seminus y los hijos de Reaver y Revenant.
Todo fue tan "vivieron felices para siempre/por mil años (literalmente)" (excepto por el puto de Raphael y la perra de Gethel)
Admito que no aguanté las lágrimas. Y Revenant siendo todo héroe y mejorando poco a poco todo con Reaver fue tan askaksjkajkajskas.

witandsin's review against another edition

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4.5 stars - My review cross-posted from Wit and Sin:

Revenant is dark, sexy, and utterly thrilling. The nonstop action keeps you on the edge of your seat while the love story is one that will ultimately make you sigh. Best of all, author Larissa Ione keeps you guessing as to what Revenant, Blaspheme, their enemies, and their allies will do next. If there’s one thing I love, it’s that feeling of not knowing how in the heck our protagonists will manage to overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles while at the same time trusting that the author will provide a fantastic payoff. Revenant was so engrossing that only the knowledge that I truly had to be mentally present at work the next day allowed me to put the book down.

Revenant is a Shadow Angel, one of the most powerful beings in Heaven or Hell. He’s also extremely angry and bitter, having spent years upon years being tortured and forced to do Satan’s bidding, while his twin, Reaver, was raised in Heaven and given every opportunity to fix his mistakes. Those who know Reaver’s story are aware that things aren’t that black and white – not by a long shot – but Ms. Ione makes Rev’s viewpoint easy to understand, something that’s important since he does lash out a lot at beloved characters. There’s something fascinating about Rev; he’s badass to the extreme and can be pushy as hell, but there’s true goodness in him as well. I loved peeling back the layers to his character. As for Blaspheme, she’s a healer and a truly lovable character who is easy to become attached to. She’s always looking over her shoulder, afraid to trust anyone, but in Revenant we see her open up and the results are fantastic. On the surface, Blas and Rev seem like an odd pairing, but they fit one another like lock and key, and it was highly entertaining watching them spar and then fall in love.

The romance between Blaspheme and Rev is woven seamlessly into the bigger picture, namely Satan’s plan to destroy Heaven. This is where the book’s heart-pounding action takes place, and man, I loved every second of it. There’s not much I can say about this aspect of this book without spoiling the story, so I’ll leave it by saying this is what readers have been waiting to delve into. I will say that the wrap-up felt a bit rushed toward the end, but I still loved the story from first page to last.

Revenant is the eleventh full-length book in the combined Demonica/Lords of Deliverance series and you should definitely be familiar with the world in order to fully enjoy this story. I highly recommend making sure you’ve read Reaver before starting Revenant, as events in this book have their beginnings in the previous one. Almost all the major players in the Demonica/Lords of Deliverance series are back, some just for cameos that’ll make you smile, while others are major secondary characters. Fans of the series are in for a real treat whenever their favorite angels and demons share the page with Blas and Rev.

Larissa Ione excels at bringing dark and dangerous worlds to life. Her books are always wildly addictive and wonderfully unique, and Revenant is no exception. Don’t miss this one!

FTC Disclosure: I received this book for free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

butterfly626's review against another edition

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As with all her books, a good, fast read. I hate this is the end of an awesome series. Can't wait to see what else she puts out.

tynga's review against another edition

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What would you do if it turned out you were not the person you thought you were for the last 5,000 years? Of course none of us will ever know, with our short life-spawn and all, but Revenant now has to deal with a whole new set of memories, a completely new nature, and he doesn't quite know what do it with it all. There's one thing he knows though, he would do almost anything to have the sexy Blaspheme in his bed.

Revenant, 'officially' the last book in the Demonica & the Lords of Deliverance series, proved to be a very satisfying read. Larissa Ione always delivers sexy, addictive and full of action reads and this title is no exception.

I haven't been particularly fond of Revenant in the past books, but I have always been curious. I must say, you can now enroll me on the Revenant-fan-girls wagon. He is dark, sexy, without an once of remorse, but he has principles. Or should I say he has one principle? You can wreck havoc all you want, but don't break the rules and don't lie. It's kind of funny that he won't blink an eye when killing someone, but don't you dare throw garbage on the floor if it's against the rules. I thought it was quite endearing, and makes total sense when you get to know his past. I really enjoyed discovering his personality, and I must confessed a pitied him at times. It must be really hard to deal with his situation, but he did it with his head held high.

Blaspheme was just as great. I really liked her spunk and how she could argument with the best of them even though she was sometimes scared shitless inside. She was resourceful, compassionate and determinate. I loved that despite her half-demon side she was driven to do the right thing and would sacrifice her own well-being to protect others.

I really liked the story and how all the characters we love made an appearance. Blaspheme and Revenant faced some very difficult situations and I enjoyed witnessing them thread carefully and try to reach the best possible outcome. All the loose ends are wrapped-up nicely and I was very satisfied - and surprised- with how everything ended.

Even though Revenant is officially the end of the series, Larissa hints at something more in this novel, and provides a link to find out more about what's to come. The LINK is suppose to work in December 2014. I can't wait to see what it will reveal!

The Demonica and the Lords of the Underworld series are simply awesome, and I would strongly suggest paranormal romance lovers to read it. I joined late in the game and I have no regrets! Give me more!

booklovinmamas's review against another edition

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Full Review posted at Book Lovin' Mamas

If you are looking for a book that is apart of an amazing series, I highly recommend Revenant. Please read an order though. You don't want to miss out on the previous books and characters.

I loved every bit these two series and I loved every character in the series.

Is it the end though? You'll have to read to find out. =)

I give this book 5 stars and look forward to reading much more from Larissa Ione in the future. This is the one author I automatically buy ALL her books because she is such an amazing storyteller.

kimyc's review against another edition

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I love this book , it has become my favourite of 2014

ezichinny's review against another edition

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I won't say to much since this book hasn't been published but it was another great installment to this exciting series.
Revenant is Reaver's twin that was raised in Hell. Now that his memories are restored, he struggles with his identity. Who he should have been, who he was told he was and who everyone thinks he should be now.
Blaspheme, on the other hand, knows exactly who she is, but has to keep her identity secret from those who seek to harm her.
We have two sort of lost souls trying to find their place in the realm.

What I love about Ione is that her stories aren't typical. Normally Angels are good, demons are bad. But not here, everyone's got an agenda and no one is necessarily all good and all evil (with the except of Satan who is all evil). Everyone has their own agenda, thus it's difficult to trust anyone because you don't know who is truly on the side of good and evil.

(*I have never met an author who seemed to love redeeming douchebags as much as this author. She does it well though, so I am game).

**Special Thanks to Forever (Grand Central Publishing) via Netgalley for the Advanced Reading Copy

aamccombs's review against another edition

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Amazing! !