
Revenant by Larissa Ione

osu2k1's review against another edition

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About 12/16/14!!!!

courtneyhf's review against another edition

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It is a rare and wonderful author that can do angels and demons without going all preachy religious on us and Miss Ione is the master.

After a little bit of a slow start I absolutely could not put this book down! I believe the slowness in the beginning had a lot to do with my own tortoise-esk ability to pick up on the vast number of different type of angels. Whew! It didn't help that I was reading it on a tablet and couldn't just switch back and forth between my spot and the glossary all willy nilly. There is a lot to keep track of but, once the names and definitions finally stuck in my brain, things picked up and the story just took off.

Revenant has been a favorite tortured (literally) hero of mine for some time now. He's a little bit of a drama queen but, I mean, what do you expect after being forced to be someone you're not, having someone else control what you do and don't remember, and being completely lied to for 5,000 years? He's allowed a little drama. Though dramatic, he is humble and reverent, if not confused and distrustful, in the face of true and loyal care that is given to him. Just don't lie to him. Don't do it. Not worth it...just don't. His story ended in a befitting and well deserved HEA which had me in tears. TEARS! (PS Sexy, powerful wings are also an undeniable and well appreciated character trait here.)

Blaspheme. Our Heroine. Love the name. Love the woman. She has her own set of issues, which are quite frightening and fun in and of themselves but she knows who she is when it comes to the bottom line and I can respect that. I ABHOR heroines that spend half the book doubting themselves or talking themselves out of love and happiness. Yes, sometimes it is an honest reaction, but 90% of the time, it is just for dramatic effect and ends up being completely unpalatable or obnoxious. So not the case with our girl here. She has about a page and a half of wishy-washy then she moves right along with the "Que sera sera." Perfect development for her and I could not have been happier with her strength and loyalty.

One thing I have always loved about this series is that Larissa Ione has never cowered in the face of such a colossal universe. She built this whole thing from the ground up and has just grown right along with it. We're talking Heaven and Earth. God and Satan. Demons and Angels and everything in between. Not to mention coming up with medical conditions for all of them, as well as how to treat them. Her world building has been astronomical and I have never once felt like she was trying too hard or vacillating. Seamless movement and character development between books is difficult once you get passed about 4 books as there is just an enormous amount of information to keep track of. Things like general series and character history and, if you are going to be a freaking rock star like Larissa Ione, you have to keep the characters from previous books moving forward in a timely and accurate manner. You have to decisively and unequivocally know your characters and grow with them as well. I stand in awe of her series and her as an author in general. Such raw and fascinating talent here. If you haven't had a chance to check her out, do it. Start HERE and thank me later.

Hero: ★★★★
Heroine: ★★★★
Plot line: ★★★★ 1/2
Steam: ★★★★ 1/2
Overall Rating: ★★★★

Favorite scene: Curling wings. *swoon*

***I was given a free copy from NetGalley for an honest review***

romancelibrary's review against another edition

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Revenant is the official last book in the Lords of Deliverance series and what an epic conclusion it is! This review will contain spoilers.

Revenant is Reaver's long lost twin brother, the Shadow Angel to Reaver's Radiant Angel. After regaining his memories and finding out that he's in fact an angel, Revenant has a crisis of conscience. He can't decide if he's evil or good. Heaven doesn't want to accept him, so he feels forced to be Hell-bound.

Revenant is also very interested in Blaspheme, a False Angel he first met back in Reaver's book. Blaspheme is in fact a vyrm — the forbidden offspring of an angel and a fallen angel. As such, she's been in disguise as a False Angel for 200 years. But her False Angel persona is fading away and now she has to find a conscionable way to renew her disguise.

Here's the thing: Revenant is a total jackass and he's decided that he wants Blaspheme. So he makes a lot of advances toward her. But man, his character growth is so damn worth it. I don't even know how it happened, but I ended up feeling so much for Revenant 😞 As we explored his traumatic past and his relationship with his mother, I couldn't help but feel for him. His story even made me cry. I felt so bad for Rev 😞 He's been dealt a bad hand, but he makes the best of it. Heaven doesn't want him, so he has no choice but to stay in Hell even though he doesn't want to. I really felt Rev's loneliness 💔

Revenant spends most of this book being angry at his fate, his brother, and at Heaven. And honestly? I couldn't blame him. I felt that his anger was justified—it made complete sense to me. I thoroughly enjoyed reading Revenant's journey as he finds himself and works through his messy feelings. As much as I love Reaver, I think Revenant's behaviour toward him makes sense. 

I also really enjoyed the romance between Revenant and Blaspheme. Her deception didn't bug me and the moment of revelation was so well-written. It was soooooo swoonworthy how Rev fell for Blas. I swooned when he finally realized he was developing feelings for her. As expected, the romance is both steamy 🔥 and romantic ❤️ I especially loved how protective Blas and Rev were of each other. The things he did to protect and save her made me want to scream 😭 And the way she defended him and positioned herself between him and the others made me cry because only his mother had ever done that for him before 😭

The climax was epic on a grand scale and I didn't see it coming to be honest. I wasn't sure how everything would be resolved, given that there were a few enemies that had to be dealt with. But the author made it work so well. I loved the climax and the ending. The only thing missing is scene with Reaver and Revenant as Rev frees their mom's soul from Sheoul 🥺

I'm happy that there are still more stories left to be told in the Demonica world because I just love losing myself in this series. 

P.S. The Tracker and Harvester scene slayed me 😭 

P.P.S. Angel's Embrace 🥺

ladyzsazsa's review against another edition

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I have fallen in love with every book in the Demonica/Lords of Deliverance series and I am so sad to see it come to an end..........Or in Larissa Ione's own words "is it the end"????? I really hope not. I guess I will have to wait and see..........

fortressofbooks's review against another edition

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ARC generously provided by Grand Central Publishing in exchange for an honest review.

Warning: The review contains some spoilers and a lot of raving!

Revenant is a shadow angel, the most powerful being apart from the Satan himself in Sheoul (hell). He also happens to be one of the most cocky, arrogant hero I’ve read but I couldn’t help but love him. His dialogues made me laugh. He is also very vulnerable and hurt about; how he not only has a twin brother but he had thousands of memories wept because of the said brother. He covers up these with his I-don’t-give-a-fuck attitude and other times rage. In the last book he gets his memories back which leads him to feeling betrayed, in a sense very lost of who he is now that he knows that he wasn’t evil as he though he was. But he is still very much a badass.

She said “how did you do that?”
He shrugged “I’m powerful as shit”

Blaspheme is a false angel or so she pretends to be. She’s the forbidden offspring of a angel and fallen angel, a vyrm. Her kind is hunted and now they are coming after her since her disguise is failing. She doesn’t need a complication in form of a six foot fallen angel who just doesn’t take the hint to leave her alone. She’s a doctor at Underground General Hospital. Blas is very sassy but at the same time she’s also caring, compassionate and doesn’t want people to get hurt because of her.

“Gethel, your diet sucks. Stop eating infants and eat more leafy greens”

I really enjoyed Rev and Blaspheme’s banter, some of them had me laughing out loud. Revenant from the moment he saw Blas wanted her (they met the first time in Reaver), while she was trying really hard to get noticed especially not a fallen angel who could kill her if he found out her secrets. Rev was honsetly baffled why Blas didn’t want him, he’s really that arrogant. Blas made Revenant feel loved which he really needed after the mockery his childhood was, living in sheoul. They were both tough and determined characters with very strong personalities and I think they made a great couple.

“You’re good” she whispered against his mouth.
“I know” he whispered back.
Suddenly, pain tore into his arms as her nails scored his skin. “But you’re not that good”.

Everyone in the book has their own agenda, the world is filled with politics and have truths. The book had alot of action and fights. It had some suspense and excitement especially near the end where I was like:

But that just made everything more interesting. The lines of what’s right and wrong were kind of blurred too in the book. But there were also a few scenes that were very touching and emotional such as Rev’s childhood and Rev and Blas scenes near the end. That epilogue was quite lovely as well.

Quibbles: I needed it to be a just a bit longer especially since near the end so much of the action took away the focus from the couple. Also Reaver, I wanted to smack as one point because he couldn’t see how hurt Rev was. I love Reaver really I do but dude open your eyes and look already!

Overall, I loved it. This was another great installment to the series, a joy to read I think was grinning almost the entire time I read this like a loon and I can’t wait for Hades’s book which comes out in May 2015. Happy Reading!

Originally posted:

wynterblizzard's review against another edition

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When I first started reading the Demonica books they were a guilty, smutty pleasure. Now the character writing and the plot are top notch and these are some of my favorite supernatural romance books. I think this book is perhaps the best in the series thus far, I almost cried at one point!

Keep writing and I will keep reading.

alikat07's review against another edition

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What a a great final book for this series! It was fun to see both UG and the Lords of Deliverance intersect so greatly.

I really liked Blaspheme! She is a doctor at UG and not a false angel, but a Verm, a half fallen half angel, apparently something both groups execute on sight. In order to survive she has to hide her true nature under a spell. She was smart, principled and acted like any sane person. She made mistakes but I felt like none were stupid and she owned up to them. She was able to connect with Revenant as they both were conflicted between their dark and light sides.

Revenant was a bit whiney at first but luckily that improved relatively quickly. As Eidolon said Wraith took decades to get past his difficult stage so Revenant hardly took any time. He really is quite remarkable and by the end I was fully a fan.

Phew and the ending - I was not expecting what happened! I can't wait to read the Demonica Underworld series.

karebear78's review against another edition

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Another great book in the Demonica Series!! These books just keep getting better and better!

belw's review against another edition

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love this series! this book was particularly good as both the demonica and horseman series inergrated so well in this book. i love angels and demons but sometimes it gets all holy and mightly but the lore through out this book was so good! i love where this series is going and i cant wait for more....there will be more???

kod_it's review against another edition

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Loved this one!!! Kept me turning the pages. Didn't give 5 stars mostly because the guy on the cover looks like he has a mullet, so I kept picturing him while reading.